Chapter Twenty-Nine

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~Normal P.O.V~

"Minna we're here." You said as you headed out and give the tickets in the ticket booths and the others just follow you. "so what shall we do first?" you asked out. "Momoi-chan?" you said as you look at her.

"why don't we ride first, something with trills like roller coaster and we should ride the ferris wheel at the last part." she suggested.

"well that's a good idea." you said. "I forgot to tell you guys that there will be a fireworks display around 9." you said to them.

"yehey, fireworks!!" Momoi beamed as she jump happily and you smile at your hyperactive friend.

"well we need to go now" you said as you headed to the roller coaster. "oh by the way, there are two roller coaster here so, what do you like to ride first, the normal one or the extreme one's? " you asked as you squeal.

"why don't we go to the extreme ones" Aomine grinned wickedly as he know someone's afraid of the roller coaster.

"well then, to the extreme roller coaster." you shouted happily and headed first.

"wait for me Kazumi"  Aomine shouted as he follows you back

"sure she looks happy. " Kuroko said, smiling at his friend being happy.

"yeah sure she does." Momoi agreed.

"I never see her happy like this before, Nanodayo." Midorima added as the other nodded and followed them.

Kise ran beside you and ask you something. "Uhm Kazumicchi can I ask something."

"sure what is it Kise-kun?" you said as you looked at him, he seems so nervous. You glanced at your side to see him laughing.

"wait Kise-kun" you stopped him and face Aomine. "so Aomine why are you laughing? " you said as you raised a brow.

"well just ask him" he said "Come on Satsuki, sit with me." he said to his childhood friend.

"no Dai-chan, I'll be sitting with Tetsu-kun" she beamed as he clings on Kuroko. "you're just afraid too." she blurted out.

"w-what n-nonsense. " he said nervously as he just go to the line.

"well?" you giggled at him and look back at Kise.

"hehe, can I sit next to you?" he said a little bit, blushing. "you know I kinda scared at that" he said as he pointed the roller coaster.

"Uh su--" you've been cut off by Akashi.

"no you don't she'll be sitting beside me." He said.

"Nope, can't do" you said to him seriously.

"But Ka--" you cut him off also.

"No buts Sei, just wait for your next turn." you said as you grabbed Kise.

"well, Atsushi you're--" he stop as he looked at Midorima and Murasakibara. "will be sitting next to me." he continue as he sighed 'I guess I've no choice to paired with Aomine' he thought as he called Aomine.

You are all seated on the roller coaster since Aomine line up first he seated on the front with Akashi, then two strangers, then the rest is us.
"ready?" the operator ask loudly as his co-worker gives a thumbs up. And the coaster began to start.

Kise's gripped on your hand tightly as the coaster when down he began screaming. "chill out Kise-kun, you'll be fine" you giggled at him because he just scream like a girl. On the other hand you saw Aomine hugging on Akashi literally. You began to enjoy seeing them scream like a village girl who just saw a blood. The roller coaster goes on and on, up and down. It's very high, you can just see the whole town when the coaster is up. The bells ring as it signals the ride is over.

♛Everything Has Changed ♚(Kuroko no Basket: Akashi Seijuro Fanfic) (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora