Chapter Thirty-Five

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~Normal P.O.V~

You woke up in the middle of the night, scanning around and wondering why you're in the room. You try to get up, removing all the things that was attached at your arms, and you stumble down on the floor, thankfully no one heard it. You get up slowly as you went out silently hopefully, the people in the room wouldn't wake up. You saw your reflection in a mirror, covered with white bandages, your head and your neck to your upper torso.

'what happened before?' you thought and went out of the room. You quietly sneak out of the unfamiliar place, not to being caught. You don't know why you're here but you have the feeling that you shouldn't be here.

You successfully went out of the hospital, still wearing the hospital gown and walk slowly, walking away from the building before they'll know you're gone.

"now where should I go?" you mumble to yourself and started to walk forward.

You walked and walked and ended up into a park. You sat on the bench to rest. Your legs starts to wobble as you massage it. You look tired, no one's here well you might sleep in the bench.

"I'm hungry." you said as your stomach growls as you yawn.

You heard footsteps coming towards your direction. You didn't bother to look because you don't have the energy at all from that long walk, you brace your self for something, the footsteps gets louder and stops.

"Kazumi?" you heard a girl's voice and look up.

She looks like familiar but you can't think of, "who are you?" you asked softly.

"I'm Shizura didn't you remember? why are you even here, let's go I'm going to return you to the hospital. " she said.

"I don't know who you are but please I'm begging you, please don't let me go back to that place." you plead.

"but you're still in your critical condition, you are not good in this position. " she said.

"I don't care I guess I don't remember anything, but please, please I don't want to go back there." you plead again.

"fine you're coming to my apartment. " she said as she helped you, back to her apartment.

"thanks Shizura, I owe you." you said as you remember something but it's blurred, and you can't give in a details, and your head aches again as you held it. "Ah.." you whined.

"Kazumi are you alright?" she said in worried.

"M-my... h-head... it's a-aching a-again." you said as you try soothing the pain away from your head.

"just hang in there, Kazumi." she said as she supported you back to her apartment.

⭐Time Skips⭐

"we're here." she said as she laid you to her bed. "I'll get some medicine for your headache." she said as she rushed towards her bathroom. "where's that medicine. " she mumbles and find it, she went to the kitchen and gets a glass of water.

"Shizura? " you called out.

"here drink this, it will lesser the pain." she said and gave you the medicine.

"thanks "you said as you drink all the contents. "Shizura, I trust you." you said.

"why would you said that?" she said in shock.

"I don't know it's just in my feelings" you said "please can you do me a favor?" you said.

"I d-don't know" she said weakly.

"I know I just met you, but you're my friend." you said as you smile at her weakly, but genuinely.

She smiled softly and nodded "what is it, Kazumi? " she asked as she try to do the right thing.

♛Everything Has Changed ♚(Kuroko no Basket: Akashi Seijuro Fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now