Chapter Fourteen

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~Normal P.O.V~

You woke up due to the alarm of the phone. You groan and pick up it at the side table of your bed in your private room, you look at the screen and see who's calling. You see Akashi's name on it and you answer it immediately.

"Hello, Akashi-kun! Ano... why do you call in the middle of the night?" you ask him still sleepy.

"I just want to tell you that later they'll be there first thing in the morning since it's Saturday so they want to visit you." Akashi said

"uh so you'll be here too Akashi-kun?" you ask him

"yes, I'll be there to help you cover up since I'm the one who rescue you from those filthy people." He said.

"oh okay Akashi-kun, Thanks for your help." you thanked him over the phone.

"no problem Kazumi." he said "oh bye Kazumi see you later." he added and hung up the phone.

you sigh as you ready your hoodie beside your bed and go back to sleep, but you couldn't, you get your hoodie and clutch it near at your chest. 'Oka-san, Otou-san I miss you so much, I wish you're here beside me' you thought as you try to sleep off.

~Time Skip~

"Kazumi, dear time to wake up Akashi's here" Miya shake you a little to wake you up.

You groan "Good Morning Miya-san" you said and rub your eyes.

"Good Morning Kazu." she greeted you back. "Akashi's here, dear" she added.

"oh ok! he's so early, why he's here anyway?" you ask her.

"yes Kazumi I'm early, and did you forgot what I said to you a while ago?" he said to you.

"what a while ago--... Oh right they're coming here" you stop and realized what he said a while ago.

"so are you ready then?" he ask you and you nodded.

"Miya-san can I eat already I'm hungry." you said as your tummy growl.

"oh hehe sorry about that." you added as you rub your tummy as the bruises on it were gone already and for some other parts too.

"Oh I forgot wait a sec." she said and leave.

"Put it already" he said.

"what Akashi-kun?" you tilted your head sideward in confusion.

he sigh and said "your hoodie Kazumi, so you can hide that ears of yours and also your tail. Any minute they'll be here."

"oh right!" you said and put the hoodie on your head.


"Excuse me where's the room of Kazumi Tatsunagi?" Momoi ask the nurse at the station.

"oh Miss Kazumi? what are you to Miss Kazumi?" she ask checking the papers in the clipboard.

"we're her friends" Momoi said.

"oh ok, wait." she said as she sees Miya bringing a tray. "Miya-san!" she called her as she ran to her.

Miya turn back to see who's calling. "yes, do you need something?" she ask.

"yes, Miya-san someone's looking for Miss Kazumi." the nurse said.

"oh ok, tell them to follow me." she said as the nurse nodded and head back to the station where Momoi and the others are waiting.

"oh I'm sorry for waiting. Please follow her, she will lead you to Miss Kazumi's room." she instruct.

"Thank you!" Momoi said and bowed with the others and walk away and headed to Miya.

♛Everything Has Changed ♚(Kuroko no Basket: Akashi Seijuro Fanfic) (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя