Chapter Thirteen

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~Kazumi P.O.V~

It's been a week since that incident and still I thinking about it and I start spacing out, it always bother you every night.

"Kazumi, is there something bothering you?" Tanaka ask worriedly while checking up your vitals and your condition. "I notice that you're always spacing out" he added and stop in what he's doing.

"Tanaka-san can I ask you something?" I speak out your thoughts.

"yes anything dear, what is it?" he ask.

"Ano...  Tanaka-san is it true that mother and father leave me because I have this.?" I asked him

"No dear, why do you think it like? you're normal, they loved you because you are their child" he said "so please stop thinking like that, okay?" he assure me and hug me while stroking my hair.

I suddenly cried in his arm. "Thank you Tanaka-san, thank you for being here for me." I said to him.

"sshh! don't worry I'll be here for you, Me and your aunt Miya so if anything bother you just come here and we'll talk about it." he said while stroking my back.

"Last thing.." I said as I wipe my tears away. "Is it true that I have a brother?" I added.

"Yes, dear you have an older brother. He's in America managing at your dad's small business." He explain to me.

"Why mother didn't told me about my brother?" I ask him

"I think that they forgot to tell you about it since you grew up in America." he said.

"oh is it?" I ask him a bit confused why they didn't tell anything about it.

"yes, don't worry I'm sure your brother didn't forget about her little sister." he said and smile.

"Oh ok thanks Tanaka-san for being here for me." I said and smile.

"there you smile again... Hahaha!! I'll be here for you,  for my best friend's daughter." he said and hug you.

As the two of us done talking and suddenly the door opens to see Akashi standing with his father.

"My father wants to see you Kazumi, and also Tanaka-san." Akashi said and you nodded in approval.

"how are you now, Kazumi?" Juuro ask.

"I think I'm fine, thank you sir." I thanked him.

"Kazumi drop the formalities, we're not in the school." Juuro said. "just call me Juuro" he added.

I nodded "ok Juuro-san" I said.

"Good, now I want you to know that I'll expel Miss Shizura for doing this to you." he said.

I shook my head "please Juuro-san don't do it." I don't want her to hate me forever, because of me she feel miserable.

"why, Kazumi?" Now its Akashi ask.

"I don't know Akashi-kun" I said as I lowered my head looking at the sheets in my hands

Juuro sigh. "ok Kazumi if that's what you want, I'm not gonna force you" he said. "I'm just gonna suspend her after you go back to school." he added.

"But father? I want her to be expelled." Akashi disapprove his father.

"Seijuro, it's not your decision to make." his father said.

he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "fine, but if she do something, I will immediately expel her out of the school." he said as he look at you and I immediately nodded knowing that you agree to his decision.

"ok Seijuro, do what you want." his father approve too. "ok Tanaka and I will be talking so I'll leave the both of you here, Kazumi take care ok?." he added, I nodded as they leave.

Akashi look at you and "say, is that true?" he said. I titled my head at the side

"what true Akashi-kun?" I ask.

"about you having a brother and you grew up in America?" he ask.

"so you heard it..yes Akashi-kun it's the truth and she knew it." I said.

"And one more thing, the guys wants to visit you, so hide that thing when they are here, I will tell you when they'll visit you so you can prepare your self." he said.

"oh sure, Thanks Akashi-kun for everything." I said as I show my genuine and true smile at him and he flustered and look away as he thought you a cute cat.

"N-no p-problem." he shuttered as he think why he's acting like this and why he's heart beats fast as I smile again at him and he look away and hiding his flustered face in his hand.


"Tanaka is Kazumi, daughter of Mazuya and Kaizuki?" Juuro ask the doctor.

"yes, she is" Tanaka replied shortly. "They're the one who raised her."

"Oh do you know what happened to them?" He ask again.

"Juuro, I don't know what happened to them in America." Tanaka said fixing the papers in his desk.

"Oh, why do Kazumi has a cat's ears and tails? Mazuya or Kaizuki don't have any? and what do you mean they're the one who raised her?"  he ask seriously.

"she's their daughter but not their real daughter,  they only found her under a bridge crying with an illness, so they took her in, but apparently she doesn't know about it." Tanaka said and Juuro look at him and Tanaka thought 'I really want to tell her but I'm just worried about her health and state.'


♛Everything Has Changed ♚(Kuroko no Basket: Akashi Seijuro Fanfic) (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz