Chapter Six

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~Kazumi P.O.V~

"Hmm" I walk in circles thinking if Momoi gives you the copy of the things needed. And realization hits you. 'Ah damn I forgot to tell her about it.' I mentally cussed.

"Waaaah!!" I shouted in frustration and messing my hair like a crazy old woman.

"Nyan?" I heard Kuro tilted her head.

"Kuro what should I do?" I ask her. "Oh should I call her?" "No it's a bad idea I never invited people in my house" I added. "Ah I don't know already" I mess up again my hair.

"Nyan!" She purred.

"okay fine I guess, she's the first one though. and for the sake of the things I needed." I sigh as I get my phone to dial her number and save it since my phone has empty contacts.

I dial her number and bring the phone on my ear and lucky Momoi pick it up quickly.

"Moshi moshi dare desuka?" she ask

"Ano Momoi-chan this is Kazumi." I said.

"Ah Kazumi-chan!" she said.

"I'm sorry if I bother you, Ahm can I ask something?" I ask her.

"Kazu-chan you're not bothering me, it's fine. and what is it Kazu-chan?" she said.

"Ahm are you done fixing your things for the trip tomorrow?" I said. "I kinda forgot to ask you the copy of the things needed." I added.

"Ah gomene Kazu-chan I forgot too. And yes I'm done fixing it." she said.

"Oh it's fine, it's my fault not to remember it." I said. "A-ah well if your done... ahm can you help me fix my things too?" I added.

"Really?!!? that's great I will help you fix your things." she said excitedly, squealing around.

"Oh thank you Momoi-chan. let's meet at Maji Burger around 12:30 nn." I said as I glance at the clock '11 o'clock, ok I've time to prepare the house.' I thought

"Oh okay see you later Kazu-chan!" She exclaim. "By the---" she've been cut off b'coz I ended up the call.

~Momoi P.O.V~

"Oh ok see you later Kazu-chan!" I exclaim. "By the---"I've been cut off b'coz she ended up the call.

"whaaa!! I forgot to ask if I can bring the others." I said. "Well I think its ok with her." I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Yosh!!" I pump my fist up and I started texting others coz' I'm too lazy to call them.

To: the team

Subject: Invited

Hey guys!! Kazumi-chan invited me to go to her house, can we go all?? please? please? pleeeeaaassseee?, we'll meet at Maji Burger around 12:30 nn, well see you guys thanks (^-^)v

From: Momoi

"Ok I should prepare now and wait for their replies." I said to my self. " and I should go to Dai-chan" I added.

~Normal P.O.V~

As the others done in their work, they receive a text msg. saying:

To: the team

Subject: Invited

Hey guys!! Kazumi-chan invited me to go to her house, can we go all?? please? please? pleeeeaaassseee?, we'll meet at Maji Burger around 12:30 nn, well see you guys thanks (^-^)v

From: Momoi

"How troublesome, nanodayo." Midorima said while arranging his lucky items for the next whole week.

"Yehey!! We're going to Kazumicchi's house." Kise said happily.

Kuroko replied to Momoi. "Momoi-san it's fine with me. I'm going too."

"Really?! yehey!!" Momoi replied quickly.

"Kazu-chin's house? I hope she has sweets in their house." Mura-kun said lazily.

"Ugh!! I want to sleep I'm to lazy to go."Aomine said laying his back at his bed.

"This is interesting." Akashi said smirking to himself. and texted the others to come.

To: the team

Subject: N/A

We'll going to Kazumi's house. to those who will not come. I'll triple your practice menu for the next week after the trip. and prepare for a punishment tomorrow. X)


As the others quickly receive the msg from their captain, they shivered b'coz they don't want to feel 'Hell' again and die early. And they replied quickly "Yes Captain!!"

~Time Skip~At Maji~

~Kazumi P.O.V~

I waited for Momoi inside the Miyaji "Hmm sure Momoi-chan takes her time" I sigh as I sip my favorite vanilla milkshake. I notice Kuroko come this way so I greeted him shyly.

"Hello Kuro-kun, what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Domo Kazumi, I'm buying vanilla milkshake. and waiting for the others too." he said. I raised a brow ' waiting for others? don't tell me Momoi-chan ask them to come.!' I thought and mentally cussed 'damn I'm not prepared for the others its only for Momoi-chan.'

"Ano Kazumi,are you alright?" he ask as I snap back to reality.

"ah yeah I'm fine" As I said the others that Kuro-kun mentioned earlier to come with Momoi-chan of course.

"Hello Kazu-chan" Momoi said and tackled me with a bear hug.

"A-ah M-momoi-chan I-I c-can't b-breath" I said.

"hehe sorry??" She apologize as she release me from that hug.

"Oh, Okay, Momoi-chan why are they here?" I Ask pointing at them I don't remember inviting them.

"hah well i kinda forgot to ask you if they can come." she said sheeply while scratching her head.

I sigh "Fine since you're here too you can come along =_="."

"yehey!!" Momoi and Kise said happily skipping.

"Ok we're going now, do you need to buy something here?" I ask them if they need something.

"We're fine Kazumi, let's go" Akashi said and grab my hand and lead the way.

"O-oh a-alright t-then!!" I flustered at this position."Let's go!"


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