
Start from the beginning

'Are you threatening me?' She cursed.

'You haven't even heard my deadliest threat yet sister.' Arabella eyed the girl not even thinking about apologising, Jon followed quickly behind her as she stormed away from the scene.

She ripped open the curtains of her new tent and collapsed to the floor Jon following her actions 'She didn't mean a word of it..' He softly whispered drawing small circles on her back

'You don't have to protect her Jon, she meant what she said because it was true, all of it how do I know my fate is not going to be the same as my father's?'

Jon looked down sadly as the tears formed in her eyes, he stroked her hair 'Because I will protect you. Always , and because you are the strongest woman I know.. you've gone through so much and come out stronger than ever.'

Arabella sniffed smiling through her tears, she muffled her head into Jon's chest, he held her close never wanting to le go, and for the rest of the night Jon sat consoling his wife which was a change from yesterday's events.

They were happy together once again.


Arabella sat before the fire staring down at her sleeping husband , she closed her eyes drifting into a unconscious state soon slipping out of it as the sight of a arrows shooting through a young boy.

Arabella gasped realising this young boy wasn't just anyone.. he was Rickon Stark.. a boy she prayed to be protected, what kind of Lord is R'hllor if he allows young boys to die.

She paced the lengths of the tent breathing heavily at the thought of a young boys life being torn away from him.. he has just to discover the depths of this world and all it has to offer.

She had two decisions .. two choices - tell Jon or don't. She was slipping to the easiest option of telling him yet it wouldn't save the boy, R'hllor gives her these visions for a reason and it is because they are destined just as Blythes death was destined.

If she told Jon he would try to do anything in his will power to save his brother and his decisions could cause him, himself death and Arabella couldn't experience that not again, but then if she didn't tell Jon he wouldn't know his brothers destiny..

Arabella left the tent hoping the air would solve at least a tiny bit of her problems and it did for a minute until her name was called from a small fire set up , she stalked over all her friends sitting around it.

'We were just talking about our old life at Westeros!' Sophia smiled 'When things were slightly easier than now , where we are preparing for what seems like a thousand wars.'

Bella smiled nodding 'I'm glad we aren't there now though.. as we wouldn't have met you all'

Everyone smiled nodding 'I just wanted to say.. even if we all don't survive this war.. or the next war to come, i'll remember every single of your smiles and your laughs' Blythe sadly smiled 'And if it's me that dies, I hope you don't grieve long, i'm not worth to many tears.'

Arabella gulped turning to look at Sophia who held an emotionless face, but Bella knew deep down she was grieving , they both knew the awful fate of there friend wether it was for this war or another Blythe Courts would face her destiny.. a dagger to her heart.

Bella somewhat knew she wouldn't die during the battle against Ramsay as she wouldn't be fighting, she also had many visions of Blythe in the room while she was delivering her children, it gave her a line of hope because if Blythe's time wasn't soon she could try see why she dies, hopefully R'hllor will be that kind enough to show her.

'Hope i'm not interrupting.' A tired Jon stated, he lurked over Arabella , she smiled up taking his hand 'I must be stealing this beauty from you.'

'Don't make too much noise!' A soft voice called as they walked off, the pair laughed and entered there tent.

Guilt itched it's way through her as her husband smiled down at her , he noticed the look of pain in her eye and lifted her chin.

'What's wrong?' He gently asked.

She blinked several times trying to rid of the image of Rickons body falling to the ground but it was no good all she could remember was his sweet laugh and infectious smile.. but soon that would be taken from him.

She drew in a sharp breath and took a hold of Jon's hands 'Nothing, just tired..' She lied, putting on a fake smile to calm her husbands nerves.

He gave her a skeptical look but decided it best not to push her into anything she didn't want to talk about, Arabella noticed how he held her hands gently , more careful then he usual does and it made her feel warm even if it was for a tiny second, she was glad.. it reminded her of when they were young children in Winterfell, when they had no worries but Jaime..

When they could be truly happy.

'Ramsay Bolton has requested a parley.' Jon said pouring a glass of water for Arabella.

She gulped thickly thanking him as he handed her the small glass 'Can we trust he will follow the rules of a parley?' She asked 'How do we know this isn't a trap..'

'We don't, I was speaking with Sansa.. she says it's dangerous.'

Arabella nodded 'I agree, we don't know if he will attack then , he must know better than to break the rules of his own parley'

Jon nodded taking her hand 'I suppose he will if he knows what's best for him..' Jon winked.

Arabella slaps his shoulder lightly giggling at Jon, he grinned down her laugh sending goosebumps flying up his arms.

She stopped laughing and placed her head on Jon's chest, Arabella started humming a gentle tune the pair swaying to it only slightly 'My mother taught me to sing when I was worried..'

'And what are you worried about' Jon whispered

'Jon..' She held onto his hand 'I want to show you a vision, it's been my reasoning for lack of sleep, and it's worrying me..'

Jon nodded gripping tight onto her hands 'Close your eyes, clear your mind..'

She thought it best not to show him anything that would pain him , such as her vision of child birth or his brother , as they were too brutal.

So instead she showed him the image that had been haunting her, Blythe.

'Run Bella!' Sophia yelled, she couldn't move , she couldn't breathe her whole world spun around her.

'Blythe!' She sobbed, the blonde gagged on her blood the dagger pierced deeply into her the blood never ending 'Just hold on a little longer ok..'

'Arabella run! Ramsay will come for you! Bella!' Sophia shook her violently.

A hand grabbed her forcefully pulling her away 'We can bring her back..'

Jon gasped ripping his hand apart from Arabella's who panted heavily not having seen that image before, Blythes destiny ended at the on coming battle..

'Arabella.. I' Arabella shook her head grabbing Jon's hands.

'My visions have showed me many things.. this is what seems to be the most worrying.'

Jon nodded 'We can stop this, if we kill Ramsay she won't die.'

Arabella agreed not wanting Jon to know that what happens in her visions can't change, Blythe would die at the hands of Ramsay Bolton.. And Arabella would bring her back, along with Rickon Stark, even if it killed her.


Just wanted to let you all know I changed some of the cast / characters around so if you want to see that just look at the cast chapter!

Also after I upload the next chapter the one after will be the battle of the bastards!

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