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Tom's POV

"I wish I could stay here for longer," Megan said, working product into her long, fiery locks. It had been extremely humid in London these past few days and her curls were rebelling, as were my own. "I've barely gotten to spend time with you let alone do a fraction of the touristy things I wanted to do while I was here."

"I know," I smiled. "I hate that part, where it seems like you only just arrived but you already have to leave again."

She held her hands out to me, making a come-hither motion. "Come'ere and I'll put some in your hair too; it helps."

"I suppose it can't hurt."

My hair had always been the bane of my existence when it reached a certain length; it was curly and actively defied any attempt at control. I approached Megan, stooping slightly so that she'd be able to reach me a little easier and sighing with pleasure as she massaged the product into my hair and ran her fingernails lightly over my scalp.

"You really are Lokitty, aren't you?"

"Vexing mortal."

"See, Lokitty?" Megan smirked at my grumbles when she removed her hands from my unruly locks; she knew how much I enjoyed having my hair played with. "Did you like those screenshots I sent you on Snapchat?"

I stared at my reflection, amazed the difference it made - no more fluffy frizz. "I should have Luke pick up some of that." I took a picture of the bottle and sent it to Luke, request that he add it to my shopping list before moving out of her way.

"It's too bad Claire couldn't get off at all during the week," Megan said, focusing on straightening her fringe into behaving.

Leaning against the doorjamb, I was more than content to watch her getting ready, enjoying the domesticity of it all. I noticed that she still wasn't much for wearing makeup off stage, only doing her eyes because she preferred to be able to see her eyelashes although I thought she looked beautiful either way.

"She's been working a lot lately but hasn't said much about it. I told you she met Sadie, didn't I?"

"No, but Sadie did." Megan glared at me in the mirror. "Why didn't either of you tell me she was really a Detective?"

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. "Darling, she didn't even tell me right away and I've been seeing her for almost two months now," I pointed out. "And she's not just a Detective, she's a Detective Inspector."

"Oh," she said, nonplussed. "Wait, is that a really a real thing - Detective Inspector?"

I laughed. "Yes, it is here although I'm not quite sure what the American equivalent is."

She scrunched up her nose adorably as she thought. "We only have just the regular kind of detectives back home, Tom. Dunno if there's ranks and stuff - I'll have to ask one of my friends from high school; I think he still works at the Denver Police department."

I chuckled at her expression when her stomach growled loudly. "Let's go get you something to eat before you waste away, darling."

"Okay." Satisfied with her appearance, Megan slid past me, walking into the bedroom. "I just need to get my shirt first."

"Oh good," I teased, watching her search through her closet. "I was sincerely hoping you really weren't intending to go out in just that camisole. I have firm instructions to not allow you to cause a ruckus, you know."

"Now I know you've been talking to Chris," she laughed, triumphantly waving a floral blouse at me. I smiled at her unbridled enthusiasm. "Found it!"

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