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Claire's POV

"I could get used to this kind of view," I said to myself as I took a couple pictures to send to Kara of the beautiful scenery surrounding me.

"More pictures of butterflies, sweets?" Caleb teased, coming up behind me.

"Mishear someone one time I tell you," I grumbled, rolling my eyes. He turned me into his embrace and tilted my head back for a kiss. "So I thought you said 'monarch' instead of Mallorca; it's an easy mistake for sleepy person to make."

"Keep telling yourself that, sweets. You didn't have any idea where that was until you googled it, either."

I shrugged. "So geography isn't my strong suit."

He chuckled. "No, it's not. It's a good thing you're so beautiful then, innit?"

"Love you too, baby. So what are we doing today?"

"Well, I have a couple meetings in town I need to go to-"

I pouted prettily at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "I thought this was a vacation - not a work trip."

He kissed me apologetically, sighing when I refused to respond to him, keeping my lips still. "I'm sorry, sweets. But if I get these meetings all done today then we'll have more time to focus on us, all right?"

"Whatever," I grumbled, sounding like a spoiled bitch. "I'll be here when you get back." I was impressed at how I just made it sound like being at this beautiful beachfront villa on a Spanish island in the Mediterranean Ocean was a hardship.

He gave me another peck on the lips. "Wear your hat today so you don't get burnt - you got a bit too much sun yesterday, baby."

"Fine," I sighed. "I will. When will you be back?"

"Don't go giving me that long face; I'll be back before you know it."

"Can I go with you into town? I can go shopping or something while you're busy."

He shook his head. "It's not safe for you to just wander about on your own; you don't speak the language."

This conversation was playing out exactly like I thought it would. "I can take Calum or Malcolm with me," I suggested, naming the only two men of his that I could stand. "Pleeeeeeease, baby?" I wrapped my arms around his beefy neck and pressed myself against him. "Pleeeeeeease? I don't wanna just sit here all by myself waiting for you to get hooome."

"All right," he relented. "You can have Malcolm after he takes me to my meeting."

I squealed and excitedly pulled him down for a quick kiss. "You're the best, baby. I love you so much!"

"Love you, too," he smiled indulgently. "I'll give Malcolm my card - use it to buy yourself a pretty dress to wear to dinner tonight, all right?"

"I will, baby. But first will you take a picture of me out here with this view so I can send it to Kara? She's gonna be so jelly!"

I pressed my phone into his hand and struck a pose, grinning when he looked askance at my silly expression. I could tell he was pleased I'd asked him; he was about twenty years older than me so he really hated it when I took selfies using the mirror in our bedroom...and when I deliberately duck-faced for pictures.

"Enough of them pouty lips; give me a proper smile, love."

When he finished, I took my phone back and went up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Thanks, baby. Just let me grab my sunglasses and my purse and I'm ready to go."

"Sweets?" he called just before I got to the door.

I turned around to look back at him. "Yeah, baby?"

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