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Tom's POV

I rubbed my eyes, struggling to get my brain functioning properly after my nap. I certainly hadn't intended to fall back asleep after I'd talked to Sadie left but apparently I'd been more done in than I thought.

At least Claire had slept for most of the afternoon; hopefully the rest had done her some good. I glanced over to check on her, only to see the other end of the settee was empty and I was covered with the blanket she'd been using.

Remembering the file I'd been reading while Claire was resting, I sat up in a panic; I'd planned to finish it and get it put away before she saw it. Where was it?!

I quickly dropped to my knees to look under the settee. It certainly wouldn't have been the first time something had fallen off my lap and slid under there when I'd drifted off - usually it was my mobile or my specs, but a fair amount of other things had ended up there as well.

"Bugger all," I groaned, realizing it wasn't there.

I sincerely hoped Claire hadn't found it; that wasn't a conversation I was ready to have with her just yet. Heart in my throat, I quickly checked the cracks of the settee, relived to find that it had just slipped down between the side and the cushion. I set it down beside my specs on the coffee table, wondering where Claire was; her mobile was gone, along with the book she'd been reading.

"Claire?" I called out, jumping to my feet and heading towards the kitchen, only to stop short when it was obvious the room was empty.

I promptly spun around and dashed upstairs, hoping she'd went to lie down; I didn't think she'd just leave without at least talking to me first - certainly not since she'd promised Kara to stay while she recuperated.

I let out a breath I wasn't aware I'd been holding when I saw her tucked up in my bed in her nest of pillows, sound asleep. The more primitive, possessive side of me reveled in seeing her in my bed - where she belonged.

With my heart rate returning to normal, I slowly approached, watching her chest rise and fall with slow, even breaths as I lowered myself onto the bed beside Claire. She looked so peaceful that I wished I didn't have to wake her, but I was sure that she'd been sleeping for long enough that I should.

Brushing her fringe back from her forehead and checking her temperature with the back of my hand, I was relieved to find it normal. Dr Mendoza had warned me that it would be a bad sign for her to develop a fever as it meant that her body was trying to fight off infection.

Claire's eyes fluttered open as I removed my hand and focused on me. "Tom?"

"Just checking on you, darling," I smiled. "Are you feeling hungry yet?"

"Not really."

"Does anything sound good to you?"

"Grilled cheese?" she asked hesitantly, one hand idly tracing patterns on my forearm.

"And perhaps some soup to dip them in?" I suggested, hoping to get her to eat something more substantial than cheese toasties.

"Only if it's Campbell's Chicken Noodle - which they don't sell here in the UK."

I'd already learned it was easier to work with Claire than to work against her, so hoping to keep her from digging in her heels, I offered another choice. "I can call in an order to a nice little deli just down the street that makes a lovely tomato bisque and French onion. Their sandwiches are quite good as well."

"You can if you want to," she sighed, wincing slightly when she began to sit up. "But it's not the same."

"I know, darling." I stood up, helping her to her feet. I kissed her forehead lightly, understanding exactly what she meant; I always knew I'd been away from home for too long when I found myself missing a full English. "I'll put in an order and they'll bring it round shortly - so what would you like?"

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