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Tom's POV

"What's in there that you didn't want me to see?" I asked Luke bluntly. This was the second time today he'd prevented me from visiting my dressing room by lunch time. I'd allowed it earlier during coffee break because I'd needed to visit with Greg about my character's recent developments, but right now I craved some alone time. I just needed to get away from everyone for a couple minutes; I was starting to feel a little smothered.

Luke gave me a searching look. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Then trust me when I say you don't need to see it right now."

"Will you at least tell me what's got everyone all worked up?"

He sighed heavily. "While you lot were all out doing the press circuit yesterday, someone trashed the dressing rooms...including yours. Furniture smashed, holes in the walls - I still don't understand how no one heard it happening."

I stared at him in shock; I'd never heard of that happening here before. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm sorry, Tom. It wasn't discovered until earlier this morning when Mandy brought in the first round of the morning deliveries."

That explained the diversions - and all the sympathetic glances I'd received today from the crew. "Who made the decision to keep that information from us?"

"Greg. Janie's still so shook up from the set malfunction the other day - so please don't mention it to her. We're behind enough as is with this production."

I nodded; delays were costly and we were already almost a week behind thanks to that set malfunction - hence the 16 hour days this week and next. "Was anything taken? Did you get to take a look around?"

"Nothing was taken from yours - I'm certain of that - but you don't really keep anything personal here and any Marvel scripts were all still at your house this morning."

I nodded in relief; I didn't particularly fancy having to tell Kevin Feige I'd had my script stolen. "When will I be allowed back into it? All I want right now is a solid ten minutes to myself or I'm going to go bonkers."

"Tomorrow sometime - hopefully," he sighed, studying me in a way that made me feel like I was under a microscope. "In the meantime, I found a conference room that isn't being used today."

I just barely remembered at the last second to not run my hands through my hair and undo all my stylists hard work. "Brilliant."

* * *

Claire's POV

"Why don't you just stay here and relax until it's time to land, sweets?" Caleb suggested as he finished getting dressed. "I need to get some business done before then."

"Okay, baby," I sighed, stretching out languidly. "Will you bring me my bag and phone first?"

He raised an eyebrow. "So you can read gossip rags and listen to that screeching you call music?"

I grinned, pushing myself up on one arm and making a gesture for him to come to me. "Of course - you know me so well, baby. Will you at least tell me if I have enough time for a nap, too?"

"Yeah, but not a really long one; it's only about a three hour flight."

"I can't believe you still won't tell me where we're going," I grumbled, throwing a pillow at him.

"Patience," he smirked as he leaned over to kiss me.

He was frowning at my phone when he came back a couple minutes later. "Lucy, Tamsin and Kara all sent Snaps wanting to know where you are."

Falling For You [Tom Hiddleston]Where stories live. Discover now