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Tom's POV

"I must admit I didn't think we were ever actually going to meet your paragon," Benedict teased, his blue eyes dancing merrily as he covertly handed me a wad of bills.

"I might've played a bit of dirty pool to make it happen tonight," I admitted guiltily, feeling my cheeks flush as I tucked the money into my pocket. "I told her about Sophie's depression."

Ben only shook his head. "Sophie's enjoyed their company so much tonight I can't find it in myself to be angry with you, Tom. Did you know they'd become such fast friends?"

We looked over at the three women chattering animatedly with their heads together over a photo album. "No - but I'd hoped."

"I can't get over the fact that you practically blackmailed your own girlfriend into meeting us!" Ben sniggered before he clapped me on the back firmly. "I'll remember that for my speech at your wedding."

"Christ, Ben - keep your voice down!" I hissed. "You're going to scare her off."

"Leave it to you to fall for the one woman that doesn't want to tie you down!" he chortled, undeterred. "Never say she's immune to the Hiddleston charm? Are you losing your touch?"

I snorted. "Looks that way, doesn't it?"

"Since you mentioned it-"

"It was a rhetorical question!" I noticed Claire looking over at us, a question in her silvery eyes, so I quickly changed the subject; I didn't want her to know we were talking about her.

*       *

"Thank you again for allowing Kara to accompany us tonight, Soph," I said as I followed her into the kitchen with the last of the dirty dishes.

It was just us at the moment; she'd sent Ben to check in on their children after hearing mysterious thuds coming from the nursery and Kara had volunteered her assistance, deftly strong-arming Claire into going as well.

"Think nothing of it." Sophie waved a hand dismissively. "I've quite enjoyed her company this evening. Our children are of an age, so I think we're going to try to set up a playdate sometime in the near future."

"The boys will enjoy that."

"As will I."

"So what do you think of my Claire?" I set down the stack of dirty plates beside the sink and propped a hip against the counter, waiting for her reply.

"Oh, I really do like her, Tom," Sophie said as she loaded the dishwasher. "She's not at all like your usual sort."

I blinked at her in surprise. "I didn't know I had a 'sort'. Out of curiosity, what would that be?"

She smiled slightly. "Usually you go for someone on the up and up in the business - although you have been steering more towards the sirens of late."

"Sirens, Sophie? Come now-"

She sniffed. "It's a good thing we don't move in the same circles because I don't think I could find it in me to be polite to that woman after how she treated you, Tom."

"Sophie," I sighed heavily. While I was grateful for her loyalty, at times she could be a bit stubborn. "It was fun while it lasted, but I was never truly in love with Taylor."

She studied me carefully. "You could have fooled me." I sighed again. "All right, all right; I'll leave be. How's Megan getting on with her tour seeing as Ed has such a different singing style than Shawn?"

"Very well - they sing so well together - and you know how much our girl likes traveling."

"Oh yes! I used to like it too when I was her age; best to get as much of that in now before they decide to have children."

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