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Claire's POV

"All right; love you too, baby," I cooed to Caleb, ending the call. From the corner of my eye, I caught the surprised widening of Tom's eyes before he pressed his lips against my skin again.

"Do you love him?" Tom asked softly as I turned to face him, brushing the last of the alligator tears from my face. "Is that why you stay with him?"

I raised an eyebrow as I shook him off to search for my clothes. "He's my assignment - nothing more."

It took longer than usual to find them; Tom had strewn them haphazardly around the bedroom this time, making it a little more challenging. Damn Caleb and his controlling ways; I had even less time now than I'd originally anticipated. Maybe if I ran all out the whole way back, I'd make it there around my usual time - or close enough.

"And what am I to you, Clarissa?"

I pretended I didn't hear Tom as I pulled my shirt on over my sports bra. I wasn't remotely ready to have this discussion - especially not right now. I sighed when I caught sight of the rats nest my hair had become in the dresser mirror, yanking out the elastic band and finger combing through it.

"Claire, darling - please answer me."

I gave him full marks for persistence as I quickly fixed my hair, tying it back again as he loosely slid his arms around me from behind. I reluctantly met his eyes in the mirror. "I can't give you more than this yet, Tom."

"I'm not asking for the goddamn moon!"

"You might as well be," I sighed, picking up my phone and turning to face him.

"I just want more than a handful of stolen moments with you, Claire," Tom pleaded, kissing my forehead. "I'd give anything to go to bed with you and still have you beside me when I wake! I hate having to watch you leave, all the while wondering when I'll get to see you again."

I bit my tongue hard; as much as I hated disappointing reasonable Tom, I still couldn't give in to him. I had a job to do. "It sounds to me like you're saying you aren't happy with our arrangement."

"And if I'm not? If I want more time with you?"

"That's impossible right now," I said, shrugging out of his grasp. "I wouldn't go back if I didn't have to."

"Then don't."

"I don't have a choice, Tom."

"As you say!" he snapped waspishly. "So I'm just a cock to ride whenever you're in the mood for a good fuck?"

I exhaled slowly, trying to keep my temper in check because losing it wouldn't change anything. When I found out who was the author of those awful letters - or they stopped - I'd leave Tom's life as suddenly as I entered it. I wouldn't stay with him, so I shouldn't let him get used to having me around. 

"I'm sorry - but I really don't have time for this right now," I said quietly, glancing at the bedside clock as I headed to the door.

"I'm ever so sorry for inconveniencing you, darling," Tom snarled, his lip curled in contempt as he made his usual endearment sound like an insult. "Go! On with you! He's waiting!"

I paused at the door, shocked by the rudely dismissive gesture he used in accompaniment to his words. Blanking my expression and breaking eye contact, I quickly opened the door and walked out without a word, closing it behind me with a quiet click that seemed all the louder for its softness.

*        *       *

Tom's POV

My anger drained in the deafening silence left by Claire's abrupt departure. I ran to the door, half expecting to see her standing there in the hallway - but she wasn't. By the time I reached the stairs, I knew she was really gone...and I wasn't ready for this to be over yet.

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