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A/N: Made some big changes to this one and now it's a little (okay, a LOT) steamier now than it used to be! Enjoy!

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Tom's POV

I grabbed fresh towels from the linen closet and started the relaxing instrumental music playlist on my mobile, setting them down beside the tub before walking over to Claire. Perching her on the vanity, my hands lingered on her hips as I studied her, not liking how her posture radiated utter exhaustion.

"You're determined...to get your way...aren't you?"

I slowly slid my hands down her thighs. "Would it help if I said pretty please?"

A smile tugged at the edges of her lips as she fiddled with the buttons of my shirt, studiously avoiding my gaze. "The physical appearance...of the please...makes no difference...to me."

Her utterly ridiculous answer caught me off guard. "What?"

"Seriously?" Claire rolled her eyes at me and grinned. "You've never seen Despicable Me?"

"Can't say that I have," I mused. "Isn't it a children's film?"

She raised an eyebrow. "And The Jungle Book isn't?"

"Touché," I chuckled, kissing her forehead. "Now, how about that bath?"

"I just need to take...this pound of makeup...off first." She reached over and tugged a moist towelette from the package. "And plug in my phone...before it dies."

"Consider it done."

I pecked Claire on the lips and snagged her mobile from the countertop. As I headed for the bedroom, I had an epiphany that stopped me in my tracks: despite her repeated protests, Claire was in fact allowing me to care for her by continuing to stay with me.

She'd never admit it - not even to herself - but she was.

I'd like to think that I knew Claire well enough by now to say with a degree of certainty that if she truly did not desire my company - or assistance - she simply would not have returned when she'd gone out alone the other morning. Instead, she'd reappeared with breakfast for the both of us - which meant she'd chosen to come back to me.

I couldn't keep the smile from my lips when I plugged her mobile in and saw that her lock screen photo was one from earlier tonight; that was just more proof that she wasn't as unaffected by me as she would like to pretend.

* *

I inhaled deeply, the lighter notes of Claire's perfume almost completely obscured by the bergamot and lemongrass infused bath salts I'd used. I could get used to this, I decided as I affectionately pressed my lips against her soft skin - just because I could.

"Five more minutes," Claire mumbled as she stirred, her eyes flickering open briefly as she turned her face towards mine.

"Go back to sleep, love," I rasped, trailing my fingertips lightly down her cheek. "We don't have to get out yet if you don't want to."

Claire hummed contentedly as her lips met mine in a languid kiss that began to slow further as she drifted off again. She looked so peaceful in repose, so relaxed; it was as if the weight of the world was lifted from her shoulders.

Despite wishing that we had more than just a handful of days together before being forced to rejoin the outside world, I had to admit this small stay-cation had been just what we'd needed. I wasn't looking forward to leaving her here alone when I had to return to filming, but perhaps she could be convinced to accompany me to the studio instead?

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