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Claire's POV

I felt a lot calmer now after having talked to Royce; patience wasn't exactly my strong suit either, but after we'd run through all the options, we'd decided the best plan was just to stay the course. He agreed that Tom needed to be informed of the threat sooner rather than later, but until then, it would be safer for Tom if I continued to act like his girlfriend.

The latest letter only reinforced just how deranged his stalker truly was; I needed to stay even closer to Tom than ever if he was going to survive until I either brought Guardian on board or my brothers got back.

I glanced at the clock as I locked the kitchen door behind me and reset the alarm. I'd been gone a little longer than I intended, but since my note was still right where I'd left it and I didn't smell tea, I felt fairly confident Tom hadn't been downstairs yet this morning.

My little morning jaunt had really taken it out of me; my energy reserves were running so low that I knew if I sat down now I wouldn't be able to get up again. Setting the takeout containers on the counter, I searched for the tea tray Tom had used yesterday.

Café Below did a killer full English and as a reward for having to deal with cranky Claire these past two days, Tom deserved breakfast in bed at the very least. I actually felt a little hungry after having inhaled the enticing aromas the entire way here, so I nibbled on a piece of toast so I could take my medicine before taking the tray upstairs.

Since Tom wasn't in the room to insist the tea water had to boiled in the kettle on the stovetop, I  cheated and stuck a mug in the microwave, feeling like I was getting away with something. The man was a tea snob; what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

Cursing my protesting body as I carried the heavy tray up the stairs, I was extremely grateful for the in-depth maid training I'd done a while back that allowed me to set it down on Tom's dresser without so much as a single dish rattling. Damn, I was good.

* * *

Tom's POV

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," Claire murmured, running her fingers through my unruly locks.

I hummed with pleasure as I turned to face her, pressing a kiss to her palm and just staring at her for a long moment. She was fully dressed and had covered her bruises with makeup, making me wonder how long she'd been up already and how it was that I had not heard her getting ready.

"Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?"

"Well enough."

I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Something smells delicious."

"Good, because I picked up breakfast from a little place I know of."

I gently pulled her into my arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead as I tried to ignore the way my body was already responding to her proximity. "Darling, you should have woken me. I would've gladly accompanied you, you know."

"I know." She nuzzled my nose with hers, her soft, full lips brushing lightly against mine invitingly as she spoke. "I was fine, Tom."

I inhaled sharply; it took every bit of control I had not to kiss her back for fear of reopening her split lip. "Forgive me, but I worry about you overdoing it, darling."

"Tom," she sighed.

My chuckle at her exasperation quickly turned to a groan when she suddenly straddled me, kissing me with a passion that only made me want her all the more. It had been almost a full week since I'd been able to kiss her properly and I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed the taste of her.

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