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Claire's POV

"Have you talked to Jack or Nick?" I asked Luke as I hailed a cab. I'd been at Tom's for too long this morning and wasn't going to make it back in time otherwise. I gave him an address a little less than a half mile from Caleb's - long enough for me to work up a good sweat if I sprinted it.

"They're aware of the situation," Luke sighed unhappily. "And Jack said he's doing everything possible to get them sent back early - but you know how that is."

"Good. Do you have an ETA?"

"TBD. A month, maybe less. You think you can do this for that long?"

"I don't know. I'll try. There wasn't anything this morning."

"I don't know if I should be happy or nervous," Luke finally said.

"I can't help you there. Gotta go - bye."

I knew the risks when I signed on for this case - Tom didn't. I checked the time and made sure my call to Luke and any texts or calls to Tom were deleted. Caleb's continued monitoring of my phone usage - calls, texts, browsing - you name it, was really getting on my nerves. If it wasn't bad enough that he was already a textbook abusive boyfriend - he felt the need to be a controlling one as well.

* *

I sprinted all out for the last half mile, pushing hard so that I was suitably sweaty by the time I walked into Caleb's house. Ignoring the goon who opened the door, I kicked off my shoes and headed straight to the bathroom. I buried my clothes in the hamper and quickly jumped in the shower to wash any hint of Tom's scent from my skin. I didn't want to think of how bad Caleb's reaction would be if he smelled another man's cologne on me.

Singing along with the song that was stuck in my head, I didn't hear him come into the bathroom. I shrieked when Caleb startled me by abruptly pulling the curtain back.

"Caleb! You scared me!"

"Sorry, Claire-bear," he said, not looking sorry at all. His beady eyes roamed possessively over my body. "I just wanted to let you know I have a little surprise for you." Someone must have come to investigate my scream because he turned to talk to one of the guards. "We're fine. I just scared her a little again."

"Really? What is it?" I asked, massaging shampoo into my hair, soap suds sliding down my body.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"

"You can tell me and I'll act surprised - how about that?" I made my face into an exaggeratedly surprised look, making him chuckle. "See? I can do that!"

"Sweets - you're a horrible actress," he said, shaking his head at me.

If he only knew how good of an actress I really was - but it was for the best that he didn't. I pouted prettily. "So? I can't be good at everything, baby!"

Caleb only laughed, slapping my ass lightly before pulling his head back and closing the curtain. "Hurry up and get done, sweets. I'll set out what I want you to wear today."

I bit my tongue hard to keep from replying something stupid; not being suitably pliant would just earn me another beating. Caleb thought he had exquisite taste in women's fashion...in reality that couldn't be farther from the truth. Kara's young son could do a better job of picking my outfits.

*           *        *

Tom's POV

I covered a yawn with my hand, completely exhausted - it was almost dawn again. I hadn't been sleeping well lately and no matter what time I fell asleep I found myself waking at this ungodly hour for no real reason other than my body thought Claire would be there.

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