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Tom's POV

Nothing. I knew nothing.

I let my head fall into my hands; for the second time today, I'd absorbed far too much information in far too short a time and was struggling to come to terms with it all.

"I'm so sorry, Tom," Kara sighed, patting my back lightly. "Mayhaps it was simply wishful thinking on my part but I'd just hoped that Claire had at least started sharing these kind of things with you by now."

"You're not the only optimist, darling," I huffed.

"Slow down," James ordered whomever he was talking to on his mobile as he strode back into the family parlor. "You know I can't ever understand you when you jumble your words up!"

"Who's he talking to?" I murmured, hope bubbling in my chest for a second before I realized that couldn't be Claire; she never had that issue. Besides, according to Kara, James and Claire got on like oil and water; if that was true, he would be the absolute last person she would call.

"Sounds like Luke," Kara murmured as she set her hand atop mine. "Maybe he's talked to Claire."

"That reminds me," I frowned. "I have a bone to pick with him, too; I wasn't aware they knew each other prior to my relationship with her."

She grimaced as she squeezed my hand. "I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for it all, Tom."

"I sincerely hope so."

"All right, where was this again because I thought you said Brixton...Hold on and I'll ask," James promised, lowering his mobile.

"What did Luke want?" Kara asked, leveling a look at her husband. "That sounded rather serious."

He returned her look with one of his own as he squared his shoulders. "I wasn't aware that she'd gone and bought another place in Brixton; when did that happen?"

"She didn't; it's a temporary thing," she sighed. "The department arranged it for her specifically for the Prior case."

"Ahh," James nodded, his expression clearing. "Luke said that Claire's mobile is still powered off and has been for several hours, so he went round her flat as that was her last known location."

"And?" I held my breath, hoping he was going to say she was there now.

"Bugger all." He shook his head. "Tom, can you describe what Claire was wearing when she left yours this afternoon?"

I stared at him in surprise. "Erm...just a plain white long-sleeved tunic top - muslin, I think - and dark-washed skinny jeans. Nothing else."

"I still can't believe she just took off without a coat or brolly in this weather," Kara muttered. "What was she thinking?!"

"I wish I knew."

"Did you catch all that?" James asked, lifting his mobile to his ear and ignoring his wife's outburst. "You're certain?"

My eyes flicked to his. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head once. "No, I'll take care of it this time...Yeah, you owe me."

"James, what's going on?" Kara demanded the second he lowered his mobile.

"I don't know what the hell happened between yours and hers, Tom," he said flatly. "But the clothes Luke found discarded in a rubbish bin at her flat match your description... although I suspect they were certainly not torn, dirty, or bloody when last you saw them."

"No, certainly not!" My spirits plummeted; this couldn't be happening. I knew I should've waited there longer for her!

"It very well might not be her blood," Kara murmured, putting an arm around me. "Right, James?"

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