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Claire's POV

"That was fun tonight, baby," I said when I heard Caleb coming into our suite. I was sitting at the vanity, letting my hair down and getting ready for bed.

"I'm not your baby," a deep voice replied as Owen closed the door firmly behind him. Shit - I'd had enough to drink that I'd forgotten how similar their strides were.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly, avoiding meeting his eyes in the mirror as I continued removing hairpins.

"Now is that any way to talk to me?" he asked, leaning down to speak in my ear and ogle my breasts. His slightly slurred words raised goosebumps on the back of my neck; I tried not to breathe, his fetid breath made me gag. "You're just another temporary bed warmer."

"Go fuck yourself." I gasped when he suddenly closed a thick meaty hand around my breast, squeezing roughly. "Don't fucking touch me," I snapped, pushing his hand away.

"I'll touch you any way I want to touch you, bitch."

His hand went around my throat, dragging me back and overturning the bench I'd been seated at. My bare feet slid on the smooth wooden floor, unable to find purchase. I fervently wished I was wearing anything other than the evening gown Caleb had given me yesterday; while stunning, it was skin tight and severely restricted my movement.

I managed to let out a short scream as Owen turned me to face him just before slamming me against the wall, driving the air from my lungs. Pain was all I felt as I gasped like a fish out of water, every bone in my torso protesting his treatment of me. I knew he was strong but I hadn't realized he was that strong.

"That's a little payback for that snide little comment you made earlier at dinner," he growled, roughly rucking up my skirts. "I'll show you I'm more than man enough to have you."

Oh, hell no! I wasn't going to let that happen without a fight. I kicked out at him, unwilling to just let him have his way and scratched at the hand around my neck with my fingernails hard enough to draw blood in an attempt to get him to let go. He retaliated by tightening his grip, cutting down on my oxygen supply as he raised me so my feet were barely touching the ground.

"You may have Caleb wrapped around your little finger - but I see you for what you are - just another uppity gold-digging slut that thinks she's too good for everyone else."

I kicked wildly at him as black spots started to overcome my vision; he wouldn't stop at knocking me out. He roared when I caught him with a knee to the groin, not hard enough to make him let me go but good enough to make him loosen his grip. My feet were on the ground again, so I kicked again, trying to get away as I desperately sucked in oxygen through my poor aching throat.

"You'll pay for that, bitch!"

I didn't make it two steps before he grabbed my skirt, throwing me back into the vanity. I hit hard, sending everything crashing to the floor loudly. I could only hope someone would come to investigate - especially since Caleb wasn't in here.

I didn't stay down, bolting for the door again the moment I could move again. He caught me, forcing me back against the wall with a bone jarring thud and slapping my face hard enough that my head snapped against the wall.

My head throbbed from the impact and my ears were ringing. My vision swam in a way that made me sick to my stomach. I barely won that battle knowing that I would feel a thousand times worse if I retched with my throat in this condition, especially considering how much it hurt to just swallow...and breathe.

Suddenly, Owen was pulled back and I crashed to all fours, my legs unable to support me. I only felt relief as my trembling arms refused to hold me and I collapsed ungracefully on the floor. I closed my eyes as I took stock of my battered body - things weren't as bad as they could have been. From the raised voices and the commotion, I was fairly certain the others were throwing Owen out of the room.

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