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Claire's POV

"What are you thinking?" I asked, intrigued by the micro-expressions flitting across Tom's handsome face.

He shook his head once. "I could ask you the same thing, darling."

My breath caught in my throat as his thumbs ever so lightly stroked the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. His eyes held mine as his hands continued to slide up my legs to my hips, pulling me closer to the edge of the counter - and him.

"I asked first."

"I was waiting for your explanation."

His lovely eyes darkened further with desire as I ran my hands up his arms to set them on his shoulders, feeling his firm, lean muscles under my fingers. I didn't miss how his pulse leapt in the hollow of his throat and his lips parted as my fingers trailed down his perfectly toned torso.

"I'm not who you think I am." I started removing my hands from him but he captured them with his own, preventing me from physically withdrawing from him.

His thumbs lightly stroked the backs of my hands, distracting me more than I wanted to admit. "I don't care, darling. That doesn't change a thing."

"You should care." His jaw set and he shook his head. "What if I told you Caleb isn't really my boyfriend?"

"Thank god," he muttered fervently, kissing me again.

"He's my assignment, Tom." I pulled back just enough to see his expression.

"What?" Tom stared at me in shock. "I'm afraid I misheard you."

"You heard me right - he's my assignment," I repeated. "I do work for the Met, Tom, just not in HR - and I'm not really Claire Campbell, either."

He blinked at me as he absorbed that. "Then who are you?"

"Detective Inspector Clarissa Kingsley, but I prefer to be called Claire."

His eyes flicked to mine in surprise. "I'm assuming there's an excellent reason for your deception, Detective Inspector Kingsley," he murmured, a slight lift to his eyebrows.

"There is," I nodded, heat creeping across my cheeks unexpectedly. Since when did I blush like that? At least he was taking this far better than I thought he would. "I'm afraid I can't tell you anything more than that, Tom. Not yet."

"Clarissa." I smiled as he tested out my full name. "Clarissa suits you."

"I'd hope so - it's been my given name for 24 years now."

Tom snorted at my tart response. "What made you decide to trust me with this information?"

"Because I can't seem to make myself stay away from you," I murmured, looking away from him like I was embarrassed by the admission. It wasn't really a lie, but it also wasn't quite the truth; I needed a reason to be around him to help Luke keep him safe - and this was the best way - for now.

*         *           *

Tom's POV

Color stained Claire's cheeks as she looked down and away from me; I had hoped that she felt the same as I did about her! Inordinately pleased by her admission, I tilted her beautiful face up for a soft, lingering kiss.

"I have to go," Claire finally sighed against my lips, pulling back slightly.

"Just a couple more minutes?" I begged, reluctant to release her just yet, but she was already shaking her head.

"His men will come after me if I'm not back close to my usual time; I can't chance it."

I knew she said she couldn't stay long, but she'd hardly been here any time at all this morning - and I wasn't ready for this moment to end. I'd never been more acutely aware that my time with her was quickly running out. I felt like it was sand slipping between my fingers - the harder I tried to hold on, the faster it escaped, leaving only a fine grit behind - and regret.

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