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Claire's POV

I knocked on Kara's door and popped my head in just before I was ready to walk out of the office - after I realized a normal employee would probably ask permission before taking a long lunch. She waved me in while she finished a call and shut the door behind me.

"If it's all right with you, I'm going to need to take a little longer for lunch today. IT said my cell phone went kaput."

"Fine by me," Kara said, toying with one curl idly. "We don't have anything scheduled for right away afterwards anyways...and I did wonder why David was here earlier when Dot wasn't in yet."

"I asked him to take a look at it first - I just had a feeling there was something wrong with it."

She gave me a look. "I take it you were spot on?"

"Unfortunately," I sighed. "What are you going to do in a couple weeks when I'm done here?"

"I've gotten spoiled, having you here."

Being her personal assistant was only supposed to be temporary but she'd talked the Superintendent into making it permanent after she saw how beneficial it was - and not just to her. But only Kara and the Chief knew that this position was created specifically for me; I needed unlimited access to the HR databases to ferret out the internal leaks that had been plaguing the Detectives lately.

"Not everyone reads your mind as well as I can," I teased her, lightening the mood.

She snorted and handed me a file. "We just got this transfer request from one of the boroughs. She just got married a couple weeks ago and they've moved into a flat that's closer to his work."

I flipped through it quickly. "And a lot farther from hers, I'm guessing." I glanced up as Kara nodded. "Glowing references - hopefully she'll be a good fit for you."

"Even Peg didn't have anything bad to say about her and you know how she is."

I rolled my eyes. Yes, I knew how picky Peg was about this particular office's personnel; she was a dear - but very managing. "Brilliant. I don't want to leave you in a lurch-"

"I know, but you're far too good at your real job to be stuck in an office all day," Kara assured me. "It's been so nice to see more of you; I'm going to go through withdrawal when I don't get to see you every day anymore."

"Thanks," I said, blushing at the praise. "It's been more fun than I thought it'd be."

She smiled. "For us too. Now fill me in on your Tom before you go or I'll never hear the end of it."

"You'll never believe who he really is."

"Is he famous then?" she asked, eyebrows shooting up.

"I'll show you a picture of him if you hand me your mobile." I pulled up a fairly recent picture of Tom and handed it back to her, waiting for her reaction.

Kara didn't disappoint, her jaw dropping as she stared at the photo before looking up at me. "Are you bamming me?"

"Never. I ran into him in a cozy little restaurant last night." I left out the fact that I was helping Luke out and that I'd had to literally run from Owen to meet him; I didn't want to worry her. "He was meeting Megan Jones for a late dinner."

"The singer?!" Kara was even more excited about that - she'd had a couple of Megan's songs on repeat ever since she'd heard them.


"What was she like? Tellmetellmetellme!"

"She's a real peach - super nice and pretty as a picture. We'll have to catch her show with Ed Sheeran when she's in town in June - I can get us VIP behind stage passes."

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