<Cultural Preparations>

Start from the beginning

"Ah Akazuki, my favourite student. As we all know you are a princess, you should cosplay as one then. How about that?" He asked me casually. Uwa...even teachers knew what went around in the students' gossip. "Erm, I already have an idea of what character I want to cosplay. But I'm not sure who could play the other character, because it a pair character kind of fairy tale." I say with confidence. I already knew I wanted to cosplay red riding hood. However, I did not know who in the class could play the wolf. "How about me?" He asked cheekily, a mocking smirk on his face. He used his hand and combed it through his orange blonde locks and continued on, "I'd make a good prince for such a pretty princess." She said in a slow and seductive voice. Oh gosh Rai-Sensei was sexy. I would have wanted him if I did not already want Ōkami. "Sorry sir, I already have a prince in mind." I slyly said back, giving a wink to make it even more daunting. He returned it with mock shock, his mouth a wide 'o' shape as he use his hand to cover it barely. Then he shifted his palm to his chest, right above his heart. "You have wounded me dearest." He said dramatically. It was hilarious, it made me giggle a fair bit. Rai-Sensei was acting so much like a drag queen. Though honestly, that image was not a bad one on him.

Once Rai-Sensei left my table, lessons begin as usual. The class did not stop chattering though, there were still pockets of discussion. "Psst, Akazuki. What should I cosplay?" Hana whispered as she nudged me. "The troll from Billy Goats Gruff." I mockingly said, laughing to myself when I saw her reaction. "Excuse me milady, I'm sure I look prettier than the troll." She said as she gave an expression of mock insulted. Then we burst out into silent and internal laughter. "You should ask Karasuno." I then suggested, to which she nodded. Then we continued to concentrate on lessons.

Lessons were over finally, a break to have lunch. I was starving but then Hana dragged me to the next class to have lunch with the guys. When we we busted through the door, the chatter in their class was as lively as usual. Karasuno was trying to bug Ōkami which was always trying to catch up on sleep. However as we got closer, his head shot up and he greeted us. Then we sat down and begin to have lunch.

Ōkami had been too lazy to get out of his seat today and he begin to eye my food hungrily. He licked his lips occasionally as he continued staring. I picked up one of the sausage octopi and held it in front of his mouth. Using it to prod his lips. His eyes flicked upwards to look into mine, confusion and questions in them. I nodded and gave him a smile. He returned it, he looked like a puppy. Then he opened his mouth and took the sausage off the chopstick. As he munched on the small piece of food, his eyes glistened with happiness. The blue in them just seemed to sparkle so brightly. My hand seemed to move on itself, and soon I realised it was on his head. His jet black hair was so fluffy.

Ōkami's POV
I felt surprised, Akazuki was petting my head. Sure it was nice, but why? I looked up at her, she seemed to get my quizzical look. "You're very much like a puppy." She said giggling. That made my blush. I was not a puppy, and so I pouted. That made her giggle even more. I decided to change the topic, because even though she was cute when she giggled it hurt my pride. I was not a puppy, I am a wolf! "So, what's your class planning for the upcoming cultural festival?" I asked, and Akazuki stopped giggling. But that did not stop her smile, she still grinned brightly. "Fairy tale themed cosplay photo booth cross cafe!" She rambled enthusiastically, she looked so excited for it. However, her words made my heart sink too.

Akazuki's POV
"Ehhhh! Our class is doing that too. Both classes can't do that!" Ōkami said, he sounded shocked and confused. But he was right, two classes, especially two which were beside each other could not possibly have the same idea for a booth. "Oh no..." I sigh, it was followed by a louder sigh from Ōkami. This was going to take some solving, and a teacher's help.

After the tiny incident, lunch went back to normal. Ōkami continued to stare at my food as I fed it to him. I mean it does not really matter if he 'stole' my food. I have heard from Karasuno before that a hungry Ōkami was a scary Ōkami. However, lunch time was soon over and both Hana and I went back to our class.

As I got back to my seat, I looked at my timetable. Great! We had a period of literature at the end of the day with Rai-Sensei. I could ask him about this problem afterwards. Just like that the rest of the day passed quickly. The bell signalling dismissal was going to ring soon. Everyone one anticipated the bell, we were no longer concentrated on our work.

"Ring!" The bell rung and silent cheers were heard everywhere. Class was over for the day! Finally I could go and Rai-Sensei about the matter. I left my bag at my seat and headed towards the front. "Sensei, do you need help with the books again?" I asked, smiling widely. It made him laugh, "Yes Akazuki, please help me. Because I need to discuss another matter with you." He said.

Then I took half of the books and we headed out of the classroom down the empty corridors towards the storeroom. "So regarding what I needed to tell you. Even though you aren't in the cultural festival committee, I'd like to ask your opinion on what to do. As everyone already knows your class the one one next to you guys have the same theme. What do you propose to do?" He asked calmly, his expression not changing. Ah that issue, it seems like the teachers have heard if it already.

Shizuoka's POV(Rai-Sensei's full name is Rai Shizuoka)
"I think we should combine our classes. To do a bigger cafe. The combined effort and enthusiasm would strengthen ties between the level's best classes and result in higher profits for the fundraiser." Akazuki said so smoothly. I knew I had an amazing student. Not only was her beauty out of this world, she was so smart and sweet. Just like him... Honestly I wished I were back in high school to get a chance to woo her. Maybe I would have been able to get her, unlike his. Though, she was already in her second year. If I wanted to woo Akazuki, I could start flirting now. Because once she leaves high school I could shoot my shot at her. "That's a great idea princess! I will confirm with the other teachers and get approval from both classes." I replied. That was when she gave me a quizzical look. "Sensei, I don't think you're supposed to be calling me princess? Wouldn't it hijack your career?" She asked sweetly. Aw, Akazuki cared for me, she was so caring. So fluffy like... Her comment made me chuckle, however I think I would leave the flirting for now. She looked so much like him though, I could not help myself. It pains me, literally. So much so...I should stop this. So instead I begin to talk about different literature books I have read before.

Akazuki's POV
When I got home that day, I wondered. If the teachers and our classes both do approve of my proposal, how would the whole thing go? I mean, definitely I would want to cosplay the fairy tale character that I have loved since young. I would want to cosplay little red riding hood for sure, I even had the perfect ideal cosplay already. I also already had in mind who I wanted to be the wolf...

Shizuoka's POV
I sat on my apartment floor, leaning back against the couch. The day had been so tiring. I shifted slightly, towards the shelf beside the couch. My fingers finding its way to an awfully familiar book. My high school yearbook. Supporting it with my pap, I begin to flip through it. To that one page...that picture from the cultural festival in my first year. There had been a school wide water war that year. Everyone got so wet, I remember him spraying water all over me with the water gun. It was such a fun day. How I wish I could see him again...but it was impossible.

And I thought Rai-Sensei was a pervert. Maybe he isn't after all? Well at least we know his full name now HAHAHAHAHA. Honestly this is rly like a filler chapter, so have the recent ones. Build up ya know :), to the ending which would hopefully be soon. Though this chapter does give a little sprinkle into the pervert teacher's past. Why is he hitting on Akazuki I wonder. Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed the chapter!!

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