"So you live in a motel..." She uttered, trying to wrap her head around everything I told her.

I nodded.

"You can't-"

"I have a place she can stay at" Ethan cut her off. My head snapped his way, horrified. A place for me to stay? Am I a dog now?

"Listen, kid" Meg started, giving him a look."I can't just let you go off with her. I don't trust you...not yet. Last time I saw you, you hopped the bar and made my girl here cry! Yes, you've been really helpful today...but that's not enough" She ranted, all evidence of exhaustion replaced by worry.

Ethan looked away, jaw clenched.

"Hey, hey!" I stood up."Nobody needs to get in a fight over me living in a motel room! It's fine, honestly. What's so bad about it?" I tried to keep my tone nice and calm, placing an arm on Meg's shoulder. She looked up at me, her expression changing by the second.

"You know how much I care about you, Mel" She smiled, sadly. At that moment, it felt like everything we've been through flashed in her eyes. I stared into her brown eyes, trying not to show how much her words phase me. 

"I know" I sat down on the armrest of her chair, keeping my arm on her shoulder."And you know that if I say it's fine, it means it's fine" I assured her, smiling through the tears in my eyes. She shook her head slightly, silently disagreeing with me.

Ethan grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the door.

"No, Ethan. Let go of me" I sighed, pleased he wasn't using his strength on my arm. It was already bruised enough from all the clingy clients we had that night. He shook his head, continuing to drag me towards the door.

I scoffed, feeling the anger boil up inside me. I attempted to kick him as he pulled me along, completely ignoring my weak attempts."Ethan, I mean it" I growled.

As if on queue, Dylan got up to block Ethan's way."No,buddy. That's not how things work around here. Let go of her" He spoke smoothly. I stared into Ethan's eyes, watching as they darkened with rage. I had a strange feeling inside me as if I knew what he was thinking at this moment.

"Kid, I suggest you listen to him" Meg stood up, crossing her arms across her chest. Ethan made a move to shove Dylan out of the way, but I stood between them just as he tried to do so. Without a second thought, I punched his stone-hard abs with my free hand. To my dismay, I hurt my hand pretty badly and received a glare from the devil himself.

"Ethan, let her go" Dylan spoke slowly, curling his hand into a fist.

"Dylan, stop" I pleaded, anxiety rising in the pit of my stomach from the tension in the room. I felt like a piece of cloth, being pulled in two separate directions at the same time. But I understood them. Everyone wanted what's best for me. But come on, I'm a big girl. I can make my own decisions. I know what's best for me.

"If you're going to act this way, we're going to have a problem" Dylan glared at Ethan.

Ethan snorted, shaking his head furiously."You're serious? You're going to let her live in a trashy motel room...surrounded by drug addicts and criminals?! The door doesn't even fucking lock! What if that fucking Nick guy comes along? Huh?!" He interrogated Dylan, the tone of his voice increasingly growing more and more pissed off. Dylan sighed, looking over at Meg for support.

"I mean...it's not like we can fit her in our tiny studio apartment" Meg reasoned with Dylan.

"Emm...hello?!" I waved at them, my eyes bulging out of their sockets."I'm right here! And I have a freaking say in this...don't you think?" I exclaimed.

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