rudolph : yugbam

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it was christmas time; bambam's and yugyeom's favorite season. they loved watching christmas movies, cuddling, watching animated christmas movies, and drinking hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows and cinnamon sticks.

they watched a different christmas movie almost every night except for nights when one of them had to work overtime and just wanted to sleep after getting home and eating dinner.

it was the 20th and they were watching rudolph, one of the favorite movies of both boys.

"they're so mean to him," bambam cried, making yugyeom coo while asking what he was crying for, "they're so mean to rudolph just because he has a red nose."

bambam knew he had seen the movie probably thousands of times before but he almost always cried when rudolph got bullied.

yugyeom smiled and laid his head on top of bambam's.

four days later, they went to yugyeom's parents house to visit them for christmas but they always just spent christmas by themselves so they visited on christmas eve.

yugyeom's parents didn't like bambam around the holidays because they saw him as the reason their son didn't visit on the actual day of holidays and they were right but yugyeom and bambam were their own family.

they didn't spend much time there as they had to drive three hours back to their apartment while bambam worried about their waste of gas to spend time with rude people.

but they weren't even on his mind when they went to sleep. only great expectations for the day ahead that he would get to spend with the love of his life.

they woke up around 10, having their traditional christmas breakfast of cinnamon rolls before opening their gifts.

they took turns, opening gifts they had gotten for each other and a few from friends and family.

"merry christmas, yuggie," bambam whispered before pressing a kiss to yugyeom's lips.

the rest of their christmas day was spent doing their favorite cheesy activities. they made cookies, built a ginger bread house together. they, of course, drank more hot chocolate and cuddled under a blanket together.

they even took family photos despite it just being the two of them in their christmas themed pajamas that every always teased them for but behind their backs, talked about how cute of a couple the two always were. they were so in love and weren't afraid to show it in cheesy ways.

"merry christmas, bammie, you're my favorite gift."

i wish it was christmas 🥺

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