love at first sight : yugbam

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yugbam fall in love at first sight requested by Anakoharu
sorry it took so long :)

bambam was a hopeless romantic. he believed in soulmates and love at first sight. his friends always teased him but he didn't change.

yugyeom was just a boy who wasn't interested in finding anyone. he knew he was gay but wasn't looking for a relationship while he started his career.

and then he saw bambam. he didn't know what it was. he was beautiful, yes, but he also seemed extremely sweet. his soft voice and amazing smile as he talked to the waitress.

but yugyeom had to do his job and couldn't just stare at beautiful boys all day.

"yugyeom, can you pick up that table for me? i'm leaving."

"yes, i can do that," yugyeom said right away. he followed his coworker and grabbed the man's drink to take to him.

"i'm leaving so this is yugyeom and he'll be helping you the rest of your time here," his coworker told the man who nodded and smiled.

at the end of the night, bambam did something he never did. he wrote his phone number on his receipt, praying that yugyeom saw it.

he was relieved when he got a text from an unknown number saying that it was yugyeom.

they planned a date for two days from that night and both wanted it to be sooner, though neither would admit it.

yugyeom wasn't one to just go out on dates with random people that hit on him while he was at work. but bambam was the most attractive person he had ever seen and was also very respectful to the people at his work.

bambam blushed so prettily when yugyeom said hi and complimented his outfit. yugyeom wanted to see that blush and cute smile all the time. the smile was like he was trying to not let it show but very poorly hiding it so he could still see it but only his front teeth.

"hi," bambam said, standing from the table he had gotten to before yugyeom and giving the younger a hug.

the evening was spend by the boy's accidentally embarrassing themselves because of how nervous they were. neither of them minded. they both thought the other was extremely charming and adorable.

"i had a lot of fun, tonight," yugyeom admitted, "before we met, i was telling my friends i wasn't looking for a relationship but you're really cool."

"my friends kind of describe me as a hopeless romantic," bambam's said with a blush.

"that's so cute. my ex hated romantic stuff. i got him flowers once and he left them on the counter until they died."

"that's terrible." bambam loved anything romantic. cheesy or original, he didn't care. he loved knowing that people care about him and he loved doing the same.

once they walked out to bambam's car, they stopped in front of it and looked at each other, both barley being able to maintain eye contact because of how shy they were.

"so, bambam, would you like to go on another date?" yugyeom asked the shorter boy who looked down for a quick second, trying to hide the blush on his face.

"i would love to. sorry i have to go so soon, i have to go buy more cat food," bambam said, quickly giving yugyeom a hug before getting in his car to hurry to the closest pet store to get the cat food before it closed.

yugyeom was basically skipping to his car, where he blared his music on his drive home. he couldn't believe he already liked bambam but he wasn't upset.

their second date was mini golf. bambam had a bit easier of a time because he was shorter but yugyeom still had fun.

they played in the arcade of the putt putt building, yugyeom getting enough tickets to get bambam a tiny bear plushie. they took pictures in the photo booth, both savoring the pictures they got.

"you're so cute," yugyeom told bambam, suddenly blushing when the older got on his toes and kissed his cheek.

"thank you," bambam thanked, holding yugyeom's hand as they left the building.

yugyeom giggled when bambam moved their hand so their fingers interlocked. they only had a few more steps to yugyeom's car but he didn't want to let go of bambam's hand so he let bambam sit on the hood. he stood in front of him, grabbing his other hand to hold the same way.

"do you want to go on another date with me?" bambam asked. he already had one planned and was looking forward to it if yugyeom said yes. which, to no surprise, he did. "okay! i'll talk to you later. i have a lot of fun, gyeom."

bambam stood and hugged yugyeom. he didn't forget to leave a kiss on the taller's cheek before he jogged to his own car.

he stopped by the store on his way home to pick up some things for their next date.

yugyeom hesitatingly knocked on bambam's apartment door a few days later. he was wearing comfy clothes per bambam's request and he wished he were wearing his usual clothes because he still wanted to impress bambam.

but when bambam opened the door in a cute pajama set, he didn't mind.

"hi, yugyeom!" bambam let him in, shutting the door behind him and gesturing to his small studio apartment. "you can sit down. i'm making popcorn."

yugyeom thought it might be there for a few hours but when he was cuddling in bambam's bed, sharing snacks, and watching movies, he didn't want to leave. but bambam didn't want him to leave either because when he mentioned going home, bambam tugged in his hand and told him to stay for a bit longer.

he ended up staying the night. it was on accident but bambam's bed was really comfy. it was piled with puffy white blankets and fluffy pillows and plushies.

when he woke up, bambam was still asleep next to him with a plushie tight in his arms that yugyeom wished was him.

bambam woke up when he felt yugyeom move. he look up at him and gave him a sleepy smile.

"morning, cutie, should we go get breakfast?" yugyeom asked, watching bambam's eyes widen.

"no, i bought food for breakfast. do you like pancakes?"

they made pancakes together in bambam's tiny kitchen. they ate on bambam's bed and watched an anime that neither had been before so they could watch it together.

weekly, they would hang out. they would switch whose apartment they would go to and they would watch their anime together. they weren't exactly sure when they started officially dating but they didn't care, other than when they realized they didn't have an exact anniversary other then the date of their first date.

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