g.i.n.a.s.f.s : jinbam

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"some nights, they get so bad
you almost pick up the phone"

bambam missed jinyoung but he was too much of a coward to grab his phone and call him.

what if the elder thought he was weird? or was annoyed because it was already eleven at night? or maybe, would jinyoung think bambam was too clingy?

the amount of times he grabbed his phone and checked their messages to see if maybe jinyoung had texted him as if the elder knew he wanted to talk to him and had texted his first.

bambam sighed, plopping down on his bed and glancing at his phone next to him before grabbing it and turning the sound on.

his bad mood hit him like a truck and he didn't know where it came from. he just wanted to cuddle up in bed and talk to jinyoung but he was too worried about being annoying that he just suffered.

but jinyoung always had a way of cheering him up so when he heard his phone start to rig and saw it was jinyoung, his heart sped up and his mood was immediately 100% lifted.

"hi, nyoung," bambam answered, grabbing one of his plushies from next to him to hug.

"hi, bammie."

bambam fell asleep while on the phone with jinyoung who fondly smiled at the sound of bambam's tiny snores. the boy owned his heart without even trying to impress him.

"goodnight, bammie." jinyoung hung up but didn't set his phone down until after he sent bambam a text to tell him he would be upset if the boy didn't call him the next day.

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