bad : bambam

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bam is babey and it's hard to get over that he was like 16 in that picture and it's what he and yj look like in this story

everyone is around 5'9 (~175cm), bam is 5'3 (160cm), yug is 6'0 (~183cm)

bambam liked cute things. he loved his plushies, he loved being cute and being babied which was easy because his friends had always babied him since they met.

bambam was innocent. he would give his friends kisses and cuddle with them even when people thought it was weird.

bambam did had a bit of favoritism when it came to his friends because mark was his favorite friend. he was his longest friend and always took care of him.

because bambam didn't see kisses is inherently romantic, he would peck mark's lips every once in a while. mark was just glad he wasn't dating anyone because he would feel really bad if he had to tell the boy to stop.

"guys!" bambam ran to his friends, placing himself in mark's lap and wrapping his arm around his neck. "a boy asked me on a date."

"who?" jackson asked while mark put his hands on bambam's bright red cheeks to cool him down.

jackson was bambam's second favorite friend (after him there wasn't an order) because of the same reasons mark was his number one favorite.

"i think his name is youngjae."

jackson and jinyoung shared a look. youngjae and bambam were very different. youngjae was a basketball player and there had been some rumors about him through the years.

"he's really nice and i said yes," bambam told them, putting his hands over mark's that were still on his cheeks.

"when are you going on the date, baby?"

"tomorrow. he said he'll one to my locker after at the end of the day tomorrow and i'll leave school with him."

"okay, just make sure you bring your phone to school tomorrow so you can call if you need anything." bambam nodded and promised to do what mark said.

"we should get going," jinyoung said, patting bambam's thigh. they left the bench they were all sitting on outside of their school. jinyoung and jackson went to their own houses while bambam and mark went to bambam's.

"have you ever talked to youngjae?" mark asked, letting bambam swing their hands while they walked down the sidewalk.

"no. he talked to me when i was leaving school and asked me on a date." mark hummed and shook his head when bambam asked why he made that sound.

"i'll see you tomorrow, baby." mark kissed the top of bambam's head as they stood on bambam's porch. bambam gave him a hug and waved goodbye before going inside.

mark left, walking a few minutes to his own house. he was worried about bambam. the boy had never been on a date before, especially not with a guy like youngjae.

the next morning, mark picked bambam up in his car because it was cold and raining so there was no way they were walking to school.

he smiled when bambam ran out to the car with an umbrella and the hood to his hoodie up over his head.

bambam struggled to close the umbrella once he was in the car making mark laugh. he sighed when he finally closed it and closed the passenger side door.

"morning, baby." bambam smiled, putting his wet umbrella in the backseat. he was always quiet in the morning so mark wasn't surprised when bambam didn't say anything.

after school, mark forgot for a second that bambam was going with youngjae and he didn't need to take the boy home. he, jinyoung, yugyeom, jackson, and jaebeom went out where mark was made fun of for obviously being lost without bambam.

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