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Ima make you a whole different.., not really person you know just a little different.

You grabbed eren's collar and began to kiss him, almost hungry.

Eren's cheek were a blood red. He grabbed your waist a bit confused on what he should do. You stopped and smiled at him.

" Look at you eren your a mess!" You joked.

Eren looked away and sighed.

" never thought you would ever like me." Eren remarked. 

You stopped and stared into his green eyes.

" l-like you..." your stomach fell into a knot. " eren your so silly of course I like you! As a friend of course." You smirked.

Eren stopped blushing and stared at you confused.

"....... you...then why?" Eren seemed flustered. You sighed and opened the door heading outside from his dorm. You saw from the cirner of your ereb seemed rather embarrassed and upset.

You shut the door and started heading out until captain erwin stopped you.

" Playing with cadet eren's emotion amuses you ____?" Erwin asked...alrrasy knowing the answer.

You looked away not wanting to even look at him, rather disgust you were actually.

" Yeah captain eyebrows I do!" You replied.

" Then why do you look like you just did something awful?"

Because I did do something awful.

" REALLY!? No way thats impossible eyebrows I'm actually into seducing men ya know!" You put on a fake smile.

Erwin pushed you against a wall and lightly blowed in your ear causing you to shiver.

" Is it only eren your eilling to play with?"

Your cheeks were a light dust of pink. You felt your stomach feel funny and you tightly squeezed your legs together to keep from making you do anything to your captain. 

" g-het out of my way!" You pushed him off and ran as fast you can.

Once you reached your dorm you went straight to the restroom to see yourself crying.

" Wha-what the hell?" You whispered to yourself.

The image of erwin cold blue eyes staring into yours flashed in your head and you felt your heart thump and the sexual urges had also pushed you.


You pushed your (h/c) hair back out of your face and walked into the lunch hall ( What was the name again GAH I forgot )

You found mikasa glaring at you from the corndr of your and eren trying to keep you from seeing him cry. You felt your head thump but you ended up smiling confidently and sat with annie.

Annie didn't mind..,no matter what she liked you to annie she understood you. So really no matter what you did annie can understand.  You felt a hand tap your shoulder to see eren his nose red and it was obviously he forced a smile on his face.

" So ____, I was wondering why you don't want to sit with us? Were still friends right?"

You noticed eren had cry tears and his voice quivered. Annie looked up at yiu and you cleared your throat.

" Ere..,"

" Lets just forget everything that happen! I mean its'"

You stopped him and befote you ended up crying you began laughing rather rude and hysterically.

" Eren you were just my toy! Stop treating me as your friend. Would a friend really seduce you and smile about it!" You laughed once again and held your stomach. Everything was quiet and everyone's eyes were on both you and eren. From your left side was erwin standing there.

You ran off a little angry and before anything you grabbed reiner and lead him outside. 

" _____?" Reiner seemed confused.

You looked down at your feet and began giggling.

" hey is something both-" you jumped on reiner slipping your tongue into his mouth and sticking your fingers into his hair. At first reiner tried pushing you off but the linger the kiss the more he melted.

He firmly grabbed your ass squeezing it and you rolled down your fingers towards his pants slowly taking them off.

" Stop right there!" You heard a voice said.

Both you and reiner stopped to see erwin standing there.

" You ____head to my office now! Cadet go back to whag you were doing before!"

Reiner nodded running off. You fixed yourself and slowly began walking with erwjn following close behind you.

You reached his office and erwin closed the door sighing.

" your a lovely young girl ____, so why?" Aksed erwin,

You bit your lip upset and looked away.

" Because I enjoy it!" You lied.

Erwin tightly hugged you and startled you looked away and tried resisting but warm salty tears already fell down your cheeks.

" ____, you only need one man to make you feel complete you kniw that right?" Erwin sat you upon his desk lightly.

Your cheeks were a light dust of red tears still continued to fall.

" .....I don't see how? I...just feel empty is all..."

Erwin lightly kissed your lips and smiled.

" ____, I promise here and for the rest of our lives I will make thst emptiness go away!" Erwin remarked stroking your hair.

He laid another kiss upon you and you instantly wraooed your legs around him as erwin slipped his tongue in and tightly grabbed your waist.

He leaned into your chest and slowly unbuttoned your shirt. He had light breaths and yours seemed rather heavy.

" Tonight.....and the next day all that emptiness will go away." Erwun whispered in your ears.

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