Jean X Reader: the horses stall

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An: I WOULD LOOOVE TO GIVE A SHOUTOUT TOO kor611, lemme tell u i ship mikasa and Eren too...

But leviXeren hot!!

I guess u want more sad one shots idk but if ya want I shall make another sad one shot just comment if you do and with who..... Please don't be shy i really want to know.

Also this is smut and I am baaaaaddddddddddd with smut.

As you laid against a stall petting a horse near you felt a hand wrapping around you. You jumped up a little scared and surprised but it was just your boyfriend jean.

" god u scared me you ass." You declared a little aggravated.

Jean chuckled by your response and lightly kissed your neck.

" what am i not allowed to hold my girlfriend."

Jean found your sweet spot and sucked on it causing you to moan a light bit. That only encouraged him more.

" hey you heard the captain, if we don't finish the stalls by today were sleeping here."

Jean began laughing and pulled you into a stack of hay.

" then get cozy." He whispered in your ear causing you to shiver.

Jean slowly unstrapped everything on your shirt and slid it off. You sat on his lip kissing him passionately.

You did the same to him causing jean's cheeks to burn red. He unbuckled the straps on your pants and pulled them off with such force. You dug your fingers into his hair as he began to suck on your nipple making you breathe heavily.

The horses made a somewhat amount of noise but ignored it. Jean licked you chest and began running his tongue downward into your under where. You let out a loud and irresistible moan. Jean yanked your under where off in patient and stuck his tongue in.. ( I'm not gonna say it... I'm not ). You squeezed your knees into his thy letting out more pleasurable sounds.

He removed his tongue and looked back at you. Your eyes were tears but it was obvious you wanted more.

" wait a sec.." Jean said slowly removing you from his lap.

Jean began removing his pants and undergarments and looked at you. You looked away with your cheeks flushed red.

" well..." Jean remarked.

You knew what he was asking and you ignored it trying to keep your eyes from looking down. Jean pinned you down sucking your nipples again leaving nothing but slobber, and began thrusting inside you. ( made sense right'?)

You held in your breath as he pleasured you. Beads of sweet fell down his face and yours, making the atmosphere more intense.

" CADETS ARE YOU FINISHED YET!" You here Levi yell from afar.

Both you and jean froze for a second.

" shit." You both said sync.

You gathered up your clothes and tried to b strap them on as fast as possible. Jean seemed more worried then you and frantically fell many times.

Levi came in to see both you standing there it's big smiles on your face.

" oh hi captain." You said tending to the horses.

" it already getting dark why is this taking you so long!" Levi demanded an answer.

" uh were slow." Jean lied.

Levi leaned against a stall and crossed his arms.

" oh, why do you both look like a mess, jean your jacket is inside out." Declared Levi.

You both froze shaking a little.

" oh really! Didn't notice sir."

Levi sighed and headed out.

" very well, oh and next time (f/n).... Quiet your moans it irritates me."

(F/N): O///////O

JEAN: o\\\\\\\O

Writer-chan: *jumps on jeans back* RIDE LIKE THE WIND BULLZEYE

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