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what happens when taeyong is halfway into littlespace while trying to peptalk the members? simple, really... the 127 members just get an extremely adorable ted talk from their little baby leader.

taeyong knew he shouldn't have hid in a random corner with hyuck when the youngest said "let's cuddle, baby prince~ your fullsun needs a recharge!" taeyong knew, okay? but in his defense, who the fuck can say no to a lee donghyuck that's asking for cuddle time?

"hyung? taeyong-hyung~?" mark says, lightly shaking the dazed leader. "u-uh.. okay~ s-so we 'onna do vewy well f-fow zennies!" jaehyun couldn't take it anymore! he knew the boy had slipped but he decided it'd be fun to watch his baby act like the leader he is when big.

"you good, hyung?" jaehyun jokingly asks, making the little pout at the honorific. "gonna mwake evewyone happy! b-but be cawefuw c-cuz ta- i don't wanna see you guys go bye by- get i-injured a- nuh-uh don't wanna be weadew 'nymore!"

taeyong stomped his foot repeatedly, a more prominent pout on his face and the supposedly chic makeup was now useless because it couldn't make his cute demeanor go away. "illie go wead! don't wanna do it 'nymow! wanna go pway with haechannie!"

let's just say that event turned out to be a softer one; not even baby don't like it could make the atmosphere hot. "guys~ wanna see taeyong-hyung do aegyo?!" the members asked for the sole reason of allowing the little to speak without anyone questioning the slurry tone.

with the loud screams of approval, johnny and yuta made their way towards taeyong, nudging him lightly and playfully. "say i love you to everyone, tae~"

"t-taeyongie wove evewyone~!"

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