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"one more, mama~! one mow~" taeyong demands, bouncing on doyoung's lap repeatedly while the 96-liner had a look on his face that begged for help. "you guys are assholes—" doyoung mouths before focusing his gaze back to taeyong.

"hello baby yongie~!" doyoung says in patrick's voice, making the baby clap. the little's giggles and smile are the last two things that are keeping kim dongyoung from committing murder; why? oh, that's because there are seven men behind taeyong who are laughing their asses off as doyoung entertains tae.

there was a quick moment of silence as doyoung lowkey forgot that taeyong was sitting on his lap and looking at him. the rabbit-like vocalist sent the sharpest glare to the members who laughed harder at doyoung.

"mama no wikey no mow??" taeyong asks innocently, his glistening eyes staring at doyoung. "but you know what though, prince? your nini-hyung wants to be a pony~" all eyes then turn to johnny who seemingly turned paler. "wike buwseye, daddy?" taeyong asks, turning to yuta who smiled mischievously while nodding. "and our darling little angel will be woody!" jaehyun cheers, gracefully scooping the boy into his arms.

hyuck had been, oddly enough, silent throughout the whole thing. he'd just been absentmindedly staring at everyone and mark had already been trying to pull the youngest back to reality.

"yAH LEE DONGHYUCK!" mark calls into the younger's ear, causing the others to turn and look at them. "is hyuck okay?" taeyong asks, his face red as fuck whilst climbing down johnny's back. "hyuck-ah~ haechan-ah~" taeyong singsongs, waving his hand in front of haechan's eyes. "hyung... how.."

"how what?" "how old are you whenever you call doyoung-hyung m—" "no. shush. we don't speak of that iss—" a smiling jungwoo then playfully nudges taeyong, making said member look at him. "oKAY BUT CAN Y'ALL KEEP FUCKING QUIET?! 127 MIGHT HEAR—" indeed, 127 did hear.

they heard lucas yelling in three languages, followed by xiaojun and hendery who used the same languages lucas used and then comes jaemin's voice that's— baby-talking someone? "no way! wanna keep the fwoggy!"

"yANG, I WILL LEGIT YEET YOU IF YOU KEEP THAT GOD FORSAKEN FRO—" "then nana a-and baobei can give yongie-hyung!" the members then let out a laugh; except for taeyong whose matured and sharp gaze turned into his innocent and soft ones. "daddy~ yongie keep the fwog! w-wike my fwiend duwing biwthday v-wive!"

hyuck and jaehyun were left alone as the rest of the members chased after taeyong and ended up joining the mess that is hendery getting ready to square up until taeyong took the frog away.

"haechan-ah!" "yeah?" "he's on the younger side when he calls dons as mama." "like what? 2? 1?" haechan clarifies, only to receive a dimpled smile. "yep~"

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