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"can't catch me!" taeyong yelled, running away from the 5 wayv members who stayed to babysit. as you can see, the little was above his typical headspace age and that honestly lowkey disappointed the rest. "get back here!" hendery was literally squeaking as he laughed, watching yangyang and lucas chase the little. "nuh-uh!" "tae, seriously! you're susceptible to damage!" lucas yelled out, trying to get a hold of tae who just ran faster.

"seriously, what do they feed him?" xiaojun spoke up, looking at his surroundings after hours of reading a book. "food, obviously." ten retorted, making the younger one sigh. they were quiet for a while until a loud banging sound was heard. shit. the three boys on the sofa bolted up, running towards the sobs that begun echoing across the dorm.

"see what i told you, tae?" lucas gently reprimanded as he took the crying boy into his arms. the view made the other guys' hearts melt, seeing taeyong so hurt and somehow tiny made them bust uwus while simultaneously being sad. "come on, let's treat your little ouchie, hmm?"

"n-no~! that will huwt!" taeyong whined, slipping deeper into his headspace and xiaojun just shook his head with a small smile. "it will hurt more if xiaojunnie won't clean it, bun." he said, gently dabbing the cotton ball. "relax, lovely." hendery smiled, holding onto the little's hand. "later, we can get ice cream without kun-ge's permission; all because you're a brave little boy."

"fucking hell; if you're gonna bribe him then at least bribe him well." ten said sassily, making yangyang laugh along. "ten a meanie!" "how so, yong?" "you said meanie word!" i said a what? "what, tae?" "he said f wowrd! dada said f wowrd vewy bad!" all the boys looked at ten who had a sheepish grin on his face. "let's hope kun and the others won't find out."

a few minutes of rest was all that taeyong needed to start playing around again. his knee was grazed an hour ago and now he was walking fine. "wook wookie!" taeyong giggled, running to where yangyang and xiaojun were. he proudly showed off his drawing which had all 7 of wayv's members with a bunch of green circles and rainbows. "great job, kitten!" the boys smiled enthusiastically just to make the little smile and, as expected, tae begun pointing out who's who.

"this one winwinnie!" the little pointed out before looking up, a curious look on his face while his lips jutted out cutely. "where?" "oh, win-ge? he went out with kun-ge for a schedule." xiaojun explained.

hours of countless fun and cute moments passed until the door opened. "guys we're hom-" "rAWWWR!" taeyong was running around, chasing hendery and ten who decided to let him play pretend. "dinosaur gonna get you~!" winwin and kun stared at them cluelessly before obnoxious clearing their throats to get everyone's attention.

"i see you had fun with everyone, sweet pea." kun commented, making the little look at him and nod happily. "so do you not wanna go back to the others?" winwin jokingly asked, stifling a giggle right when tae pouted. "miss dada.." tae mumbled, making grabby hands at sicheng and kun. "wanna go home." "alright alright.. say bye bye to everyone then tae."

"see you vewy soon!" "bye tae~!" the others smiled; it was fun despite the mishaps and the amount of things they had to clean up but it was deemed worth it when they saw the baby smile. "yongie wuv you!"

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