A Field Trip To Remember pt 20

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Plot minorly changed.

Phantom took off before Sam and Tucker had a chance to catch him and ask what was wrong. They had been the first out of the shuttle after he'd disappeared from the doorway. Being his best friends they'd immediately recognized the set of his jaw and the authority in his eyes, something was very wrong. It wasn't something small either, if it made Danny act that way. He was strong enough to take on just about any ghost in the Zone with minimal injury depending on the day. They were also in the Far Frozen; home of a small army of yeti's who would readily step up into battle if the Great One required their assistance.

It was also disconcerting that Clockwork had paid a visit. They could tell even from a distance that whatever the ghostly master of time had said to Phantom it wasn't good news. His body had gone still and rigid moments before he ran a frustrated hand roughly through his hair, something he only did when he was in extreme stress, insanely concerned, or frustrated. The glow of his eyes had been more pronounced when he'd told them all to exit the shuttles and hadn't even stayed to make sure that they all got off before flying away, which basically highlighted the fact that this was an immediate emergency.

Frostbite and the rest of the yeti were rushing people off the shuttles, ignoring Maddie's angry shouts demanding an explanation as they directed the group toward the cave. Clockwork was still there and floated down toward the cave entrance as if to oversee the humans as they were hustled inside. Some stared at the purple-clad ghost as they jogged past.

While it was true that Phantom had identified him as a friend, it was also true that Phantom had a very strange shift in attitude after speaking with him so they were a bit wary of the clock ghost, if not frightened. Sam and Tucker rushed over to him, ignoring the stream of students they passed in favor of speaking to the time walker.

"What's going on? Where did Danny go?" Sam demanded, crossing her arms defiantly in front of her and narrowing her violet eyes in a very clear sign that she wouldn't take silence as an answer.

Wordlessly Clockwork held out the busted thermos as a form of explanation. Sam's eyebrows drew together in confusion for a few moments with Tucker mirroring her. "Daniel told you about this correct? The prisoner that was left under my care after his defeat at the hands of your friend?"

Both teen's eyes widened in realization. "B-but that's impossible!" Tucker cried out, taking a step back and eyeing the thermos like it was toxic, "How the heck did he escape?"

"Through a small crack in the container I'm afraid," Clockwork said.

"So Danny went to-"

"Fight Dan, yes."

"Who's Dan?" Valarie asked, eyeing Clockwork warily as she stepped away from the entrance to the cave to regard her two classmates, "And what do you mean Danny's going to fight him? Unless Phantom really did lie and he's here after all."

"What about Danny?" Maddie asked as she joined their discussion.

She had activated the Fenton saber and looked ready to pounce at any wrong move from the ghosts surrounding her and the people she was defending.

"Nothing!" Tucker blurted out, "We were just wondering if he was okay is all."

Valarie's eyes narrowed suspiciously and she had just opened her mouth to retort when Maddie's gaze zeroed in on the thermos still held in Clockworks outstretched palm. "What are you doing with Fenton property ghost scum?" she growled, leveling the saber at the time ghost who didn't look even slightly fazed by the threat.

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