A Field Trip to Remember pt 1

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Original plot changed minorly.

"Danny" The dark haired teen jerked as a hand landed on his shoulder then relaxed as he realized that it was only his girlfriend, Sam Manson, eyeing him with a look of slight concern "...you okay?"

He stared into her lovely violet eyes for a few moments before glancing away again, letting his gaze flick nervously around the room. "Not really, no."

Tucker appeared at his left and elbowed Danny jovially, "Come on man I'm sure it'll be fine"

The halfa nodded but didn't seem convinced as he focused his attention on his father, who was currently standing in front of his science class pointing out the various weapons on the newly modified Specter Speeder 2.0.

It was only this morning that Danny discovered the scheduled field trip to the Ghost Zone that Mr. Lancer and his parents had planned for the class. He, Sam, and Tucker had all come in late the day they'd first announced it thanks to an impromptu visit from the Lunch Lady and nobody had seen fit to inform them. Danny's permission slip had been signed by his parents without his knowledge and thanks to Sam's exceptional signature forgery skills (obtained from years of her parents barring her from doing anything fun) both she and Tuck were able to hand theirs in just before they'd hopped on the bus and headed to Fenton Works.

"...This baby has been upgraded to hold about twenty people, outfitted with several ecto-weapons and a portable ghost shield. It's also got a new ecto-converter that turns ecto-energy into fuel, in a place like the Ghost Zone it's like an infinite battery that's guaranteed to never run out."

Mr. Lancer stepped forward, "You mentioned weapons, are you sure that this trip is going to be safe?"

"Of course it's safe," Maddie Fenton replied, stepping out from behind the Speeder to stand beside her husband, "we've rerouted all weapons controls so that they can only be accessed from the driver and passenger seats, the ghost shield is guaranteed to keep out any spectral entities and the doors are airtight to protect against ectoplasmic contamination. The entire vehicle and everything in it has been triple checked and is ready for launch."

Mr. Lancer eyed the vehicle dubiously for a few moments before nodding slowly and motioning for the kids at the front of the crowd to begin boarding. Danny, Sam and Tucker lagged at the back of the line and were the last to get on; taking up residence in the back of the vehicle shortly before the doors sealed shut.

Jack sat down in the driver's seat and flicked on a switch, making the engines hum as they started up.

"Everybody strapped in?" he called over his shoulder, receiving only a few half-hearted replies, though the apparent lack of enthusiasm did nothing to faze him as he shifted the Speeder into gear and pressed a button on the console. The ghost portal slid open and Jack gunned it, sending them through the swirling vortex and into the Zone.

The class crowded around the windows and pressed their hands to the glass oohing and aahing at the swirling green sky. At the back of the Speeder, Danny unzipped his backpack and handed Sam and Tuck a pair of Fenton phones and wrist rays which they quickly slipped on.

"Well you came prepared," Sam commented dryly as she eyed the ecto-pistols and thermos stuffed in among crumpled papers and books.

"It was all I could grab," Danny replied, "I still can't figure out how they managed to convince the school to let us do this."

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