A Field Trip To Remember pt 19

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Plot minorly changed.

About half the group had boarded when it happened.

The distinct clock-shaped portal appeared right in front of the shuttle, those close enough to see happened to glance out the front windshield and cry out in alarm. Hearing the sudden panic Phantom rushed around the side of the vehicle to find the cause while everyone who was already in the shuttle crowded at the front to get a closer look. The minute hand made a full revolution before landing on the twelve and making the entire thing disappear.

In its place was the ghost of a child wearing purple robes with several watches encircling his gloved hands and a clear sheet of glass covering the front of his torso to shield another clock seemingly implanted inside his body. His eyes were glowing red and he had a distinct black scar cut diagonally across his left eye in the shape of a lightning bolt. There was a staff with a clock planted at its head clutched in the child's left hand, which added to the strange aura of authority he seemed to exude despite his small stature and apparently young age.

Phantom's battle-ready expression melted into a worried frown when he beheld the ghost and he turned back to the rest of the passengers, who had paused in their boarding to stare at the new arrival. "Keep going, don't worry he's a friend" Phantom called out before turning and floating over to the clock ghost.

"Clockwork," Phantom acknowledged as he landed in the heavy snow in front of his mentor, who shifted into his adult form moments before white boots touched down, "Not that I'm not happy to see you or anything but why are you here?"

It's a well-known fact that Clockwork rarely leaves his lair unless he's performing work for the Observants. Social calls are rare to nonexistent, Phantom has to go and visit his clock tower whenever he wants to speak to the time ghost. As if to accentuate that point the usual smile that often adorns his blue face is absent and replaced by a small frown.

Instead of speaking Clockwork simply pulled his hand out from behind his back, producing a beat up-looking Fenton thermos with a face print on one side and a huge hole near the cap. It almost looked like something had exploded outward and made the ghost-resistant alloy peel back against the outer coating. Phantom's eyes widened, blood freezing in his veins as he stared at the familiar thermos.

"When?" he whispered.

"Less than half an hour ago, it was still intact when I left for a meeting with the Observants but was like this when I returned. The thermos appears to have been damaged in your battle with him; he was steadily sucking up energy from the small crack in his prison and waited until I was gone to escape."

"Where is he?" Phantom asked.

"Not far, he can gather more energy here than in the human realm, enough to completely regenerate himself to his full power," Clockworks eyes briefly shifted behind Phantom and the ghost teen didn't have to turn to know what he was looking at.

Phantom nodded, running a frustrated hand through his messy white locks. "I know…" the ghost teen sighed before turning on his heel and flying back over to the shuttle where the last passenger was already boarding. He stuck his head through the still-open door, "Everyone you need to get back to the caves."

"But we all just got on!" Cassie called back, crossing her arms with an angry huff.

"Yea why do you want us out so quickly ghost?" Jack shouted, hand groping instinctively for the absent gun at his belt while his wife's hold on the Fenton saber tightened.

"Look we're going to have to delay the trip something….came up."

Valarie's eyes narrowed at the odd change in tone at the end of his sentence. "What came up?" she challenged from where she had taken a seat next to Star.

The ghost boy ran a gloved hand through his white locks, looking frazzled and a bit nervous as his determined green eyes bore into hers. "No time to explain or argue, all you need to do is get back into those caves and stick with Frostbite and his people, they'll keep you safe."

An alarmed murmur went up through the crowd.

"Why do we need to be kept safe?" Maddie asked, stepping forward with the Fenton saber still clutched in one hand.

"I don't have time to explain alright!" Phantom shouted before turning back to the still-lingering yeti.

"Frostbite could you take care of them?"

The Ice King inclined his head humbly, "Of course Great One."


With that Danny Phantom suddenly shot into the air, leaving it to the yeti to protect the small band of humans. Danielle, who had been saying her final farewells to some of the Far Frozen inhabitants that she'd befriended, took off to follow her cousin.

"What's wrong Danny?" she asked when she finally caught up to him at the arched entrance to the Far Frozen, slightly winded after trying to keep up with his enhanced speed. Apparently he'd improved a lot in the three years she'd been gone.

"Danielle I need you to go and stay with the others."

The ghost girl stared silently at her cousin, taking in his stiff jaw and shifty eyes. His posture was relaxed but wary, the same stance that he used whenever he was preparing for an attack.

"Is something coming?" she asked glancing around, seeing nothing but cold and icy rock.

"Yes and I need you and everyone else to stay in the caves with Frostbite and his people."

"There's no way I'm leaving you out here to fight alone," she said.

Phantom turned toward her and she involuntarily took a step back as she was met by his blazing green glare. "Danielle this isn't up for debate, go with the others."

She gulped and bobbed her head in a nod before turning and flying back down toward the shuttles. It wasn't a moment after she was out of sight that a deep chuckle permeated the air and Phantom turned just in time to catch the glowing green figure appearing through the entrance to the Far Frozen.

"Long time no see."

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