A Field Trip to Remember pt 27

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Finally, the finale of this story.

Danny stayed home from school the next day.

They had left on their field trip Friday and been gone all through the weekend and three days into the next week, returning sometime in the early afternoon on Wednesday. Every parent whose child had gone temporarily missing had opted to let them stay home for the next two days, especially for those who had injuries.

More than one angry parent had attempted to confront the school board about the field trip only to be turned away under the premise that there had been a line removing the school and all persons/chaperones involved from blame if one of the students should get injured.

Luckily both Maddie and Jack Fenton technically fit under the definition of persons/chaperones and were thus exempted from blame.

Anyone with eyes could see how clearly set up that was but the fine print in the parent permission form was apparently legal in the eyes of the city and schoolboard. A group of vindictive PTA moms had banned together to protest the apparent unfairness and were trying to sue the school under the premise that the permission form didn't accurately describe the danger that the students may be placed in. There was also the question of whether a dangerous scientific experiment was a proper learning environment for an eleventh grade science class.

This debate was a hot topic among all the news networks, which Danny avoided like the plague in the late morning as he sat on the living room sofa flipping channels. He'd heard the spiel one too many times in the past few hours, getting the initial brief from Tucker and receiving the rest from the sudden influx of media attention the entire thing had received.

Given that it was only a day old it was pretty much guaranteed to get worse and while the halfa teen knew that he should keep up with the chatter he just didn't have the energy right now.

Instead he reclined back against the pile of pillows his mother had propped him up on (she insisted despite his assurances that his wounds were healed well enough to handle the strain of sitting up on his own) and settled on a channel playing old cartoon reruns.

Less than an hour later Jazz plopped down next to him.

She had already gone into a lengthy explanation about what had happened in their absence the night before. It hadn't taken long for people to get suspicious when their kids didn't come back home later that Friday afternoon and they'd immediately looked to the school for answers. It had taken the entire weekend and part of the following Monday for them to figure out all the details of the field trip and make their way to the Fenton household. Jazz had naturally denied them access and they'd returned on Tuesday with a warrant that allowed them into the lab. Then the GIW had gotten involved and one thing led to another.

They were all just glad that no one had decided to throw any blame on Jack and Maddie, though Danny suspected that was partially due to the recounts by the class and Mr. Lancer stating that both Fenton parents had done a marvelous job protecting them. Speaking of those recounts…

"Nobody's said anything," Jazz stated simply, "they all seem to be sticking to the same general story and any mismatched details between them have been chalked up to the stress of the situation making them remember things differently."

"That's good," Danny replied, "ignorance is bliss as always."

Jazz scoffed, "It still amazes me how easy it is to fool people with the simplest things."

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