A Field Trip to Remember pt 17

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Plot minorly changed.

Danny woke a few hours later to someone shaking him. He tried to roll over, moaning for the person to go away and come back in a few hours but the shaking got more insistent and the next thing he knew he had fallen from the bed, landing face first on a fur rug and getting a mouthful of hair. His body naturally reacted to the tumble by making him jerk upward, thus banging his head on the corner of the nightstand. The halfa grunted in pain, both hands going to the forming lump at the back of his skull.

Feminine laughter filled the room as Danny cracked his eyes open, focusing on the black and white blur floating in front of him and having to blink rapidly for a few moments before his vision cleared.

"Danielle!?" he exclaimed.

The ghost girl wiped tears of mirth out of her glowing green orbs, smirking widely, "The one and only!"

She had grown in the past three years, at least 5'2, probably about as tall as his shoulder. Her long snowy white hair had grown out and was still pulled into a long tail at the base of her neck while her ghost suit had remained the exact same. She wasn't a kid anymore though, by all accounts she was a fifteen year old girl and the new maturity was easily distinguished in the lack of baby fat and more defined features of her face.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, leaning back against the night stand.

"Sam and Tucker didn't tell you? I got sucked into a natural portal and practically fell right on top of them while they were on their way here. They told me what was going on and I came along to help. Sorry that I wasn't here to greet you by the way, Icetooth was giving me a tour," her grin became slightly wicked, "especially liked the shrine to you oh Great One, it really captured your essence well."

Danny groaned and ran a hand through his raven locks, "I really need to tell Frostbite not to show that to everyone who comes here..."

"I'll say, though I can't tell why you're embarrassed about it. I mean I knew that there were a lot of ghosts that feared and respected you but you never told me you saved the Zone and beat the ghost king!"

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, grinning at his affronted cousin, "It never came up?"

She raised a thin eyebrow and scoffed almost inaudibly, "Whatever, anyway Frostbite sent me up here to get you, the shuttles are ready."

Danny pulled himself to his feet, allowing the ring of blinding blue energy to wash over him while he stood. "Better get the others then, looks like we're finally going home."

Both Phantoms flew out into the hallway, crossing the gap between the two second story hallways. Danny lowered himself to the ground while Dani remained suspended a foot in the air, she had never been very happy with her small stature, which was still pretty short even after her growth spurt, and relished the extra height that floating gave her.

Jack Fenton was still standing guard in the center of the hallway. If you could call being spread across the floor snoring loud enough to wake the dead (none of them had been stupid enough to sleep within hearing distance) standing guard. Phantom carefully stepped over him and rapped his knuckles on the door behind the Fenton father, knowing that it would be safer to wake the ghost hunter's wife before attempting to wake him. Jack had a nasty track record of shooting first and asking never after all.

Maddie answered almost instantly with her portable Fenton-saber clutched in her opposite hand. Phantom stepped back and smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring way that didn't betray any of the anxiety that he felt.

"The shuttles are ready, the sooner we get going the sooner you'll all be back home."

The ghost huntress stared at him for a few silent moments, just enough to make him wonder if she really was going to attack him, before nodding shortly and moving to wake up her husband. Phantom turned and headed down the hall to start knocking on doors, saying that it was time to go just loud enough to alert whoever was sleeping on the other side. Danielle flew ahead and did the same, although she was less considerate about her volume.

It was when the first few people started trickling out of their rooms and into the hall that there was a sudden exclamation of "GHOSTS!" which effectively startled them all fully awake and had a few people glancing around frightfully in expectation of an attack. Upon turning however it was revealed to be Jack Fenton, having only just woken up and vaulted to his feet in a rare display of grace and agility that wasn't mirrored in his daily movements.

He was whipping his head from side to side, having evidentially forgotten about their current situation in his sleep-confused state. Blue eyes zeroed in on Danny Phantom who had paused with one hand several inches away from a door in the process of knocking and was staring at the orange clad man with a neutral expression of borderline resignation and a touch of annoyance.

"ECTOPLASMIC SCUM!" Jack shouted, "Don't think that you'll escape Jack Fenton today!"

He reached for the blaster strapped to his back only to feel his hands close around thin air. Blinking in confusion Jack searched for his weaponry and came up empty before turning to his wife. "Mad's where're all my weapons?" he asked.

"Jack you don't have any weapons," she replied.

"Why not?"

"We're trapped in the Ghost Zone honey, remember?"

Dark eyebrows drew together in thought for a few moments before he snapped his fingers, "Ah! That's right we were taking the kids for a tour and crashed."

Maddie smiled sweetly at her husband, "That's right dear and Phantom," a wary glance in his direction accompanied the utterance of the name, making it both look and sound as if it was a struggle just to say it with some semblance of civility, "says that the shuttles are ready so we need to start getting ready to leave."

Several people cheered at the news, all exhaustion forgotten in favor of chatting happily in expectation of their return to human civilization. Lancer, who had been roused by Jack Fenton's shout and bolted upright in bed with a cry of "Great Gatsby!" was beyond relieved. Aside from desiring the immediate treatment of his injured students he was deeply concerned about Danny. Despite Phantom's assurances and the fact that the ghost teen hadn't steered them wrong yet Lancer was still hesitant to trust that Danny was truly safe. Sam and Tucker didn't seem very concerned but that didn't mean much considering how secretive those three were on a daily basis. Phantom floated above them all and clapped his hands together, silencing the chattering and effectively cutting off the English teachers train of thought as all eyes turned to their guide.

"Alright everyone it's just like Mrs. Fenton just said the shuttles are up and running, you're all going home!"

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