A Field Trip to Remember pt 8

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Plot minorly changed.

Danny cursed silently under his breath as he scanned the wall of Walkers goons, all holding up enormous shields about the same length as their bodies. They had appeared out of nowhere three seconds after Danny's ghost sense had gone off and boxed them in just as quickly, sliding into the space behind them before the halfa could tell his family and classmates to backtrack.

"Well, well, well," the familiar deep voice penetrated the silence as he appeared at the front of the crowd, a slight smile on his face as he focused on the dark-haired teen, "nice of you to drop in punk."

"Walker," Danny spat.

"Hmmm, real world items, humans in the Ghost Zone, trespassing and harboring a fugitive. All against the rules. I'd say a thousand years per human and another two added to your already impressive total."

Danny took a protective step in front of the group, still glaring at the ghost warden, "They don't have anything to do with this Walker, if you want anyone take me."

Both Jack and Maddie immediately started to protest but were silenced when Danny shot them a quick look over his shoulder. He turned back to find the six foot specter chuckling. "Didn't you just hear me kid? Their trespassing and in possession of illegal contraband, on top of those already grievous offenses you're here…." The guards surrounding them shifted a little closer, making the halfa tense slightly. "….which means that there's no way any of you are gonna' getting away from me."

At that moment the guards descended upon them. The A-listers screamed while Jack, Maddie, and Valarie went for their weapons. Mr. Lancer cried out what sounded like a fractured exclamation of "War of the Worlds!"

Danny dropped into a crouch and spinning hook kicked the closest ghost, sending him and about five more specters flying via the domino effect before turning and kicking another in the chest. A baton came swinging at the back of his head and he grabbed the assailant's wrist, heaving the guard over his head and sending him tumbling into another three, all of which collapsed in a heap on the ground.

A sudden shriek had him turning to see that one of the guards had grabbed Paulina. Breaking away from the pack that had surrounded him Danny made to run for her and got blindsided by a baton to the back of his skull. Grunting in pain the half-ghost slid away just as another strike came down and he struggled to his feet, punching the specter in the face before swinging back around to try and save the A-list drama queen.

The moment he turned away there was another strike to the back of his head. This one had him face planting into the ground. Before he could jump up and retaliate a half dozen ghost bodies dog piled him, roughly yanking his wrists behind his back and sitting on his legs to make sure that they were immobile. Deep laughter roared in his ears as Walker knelt down in front of him, "Looks like you'll be joining me in my prison after all ghost boy."

"Thought you'd already made Amity my prison," Danny growled out as he was hauled to his feet.

"That was before you decided to enter my domain again punk, and they-" Walker jerked his thumb at the others, who had also been captured and were being led away by the rest of the guards "-will be serving out their sentences with you."

As Danny opened his mouth to protest a sharp blow landed at the base of his skull and the world instantly turned black.


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