A Field Trip to Remember pt 4

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Plot minorly changed.


He glanced up to see his mom rushing toward him with the others following close behind. She grabbed both his shoulders, eyes scanning for new injuries and locking on the torn and singed portions of his clothing, evidently he hadn't dodged Skulkers blasts as well as he'd thought. "Are you alright sweetie?"

The halfa teen nodded and held up Skulkers head, reaching inside and receiving a collection of horrified gasps and disgusted shouts. "Relax everyone," he said, pulling the struggling hunter from the metal helmet and holding him up so that everyone could see, "the metal armor was just a suit, this is the real Skulker."

"You insolent fool! Release me! I am the greatest Hunter in all of Ghost Zone, you will all fear me!" The little green blob shouted angrily, "I will take all your pelts and use them as wall decorations!"

Several people cringed at that, seeming disgusted by the threats while Danny merely rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah just do us all a favor and take a hike." Winding his arm back Danny chucked Skulker further back the way they'd come, adding a bit of his ghost strength for good measure.

"We should all get moving," Danny said, turning and continuing down the path without a second glance at Skulker, "we'll take a rest once we get a bit further down."

The halfa set a somewhat speedy pace and hoped that his urgency coupled with the surprise that everyone was obviously feeling at his display would stave off any questions that they felt compelled to ask. Unfortunately he wasn't that lucky. Five steps later a hand latched onto his shoulder and he turned to find his mother's violet eyes burning into his own.

"Have you fought that ghost before?" she asked.

After slight hesitation he nodded, "Ran into him during one of our explorations, he's a hunter that likes to capture 'rare' creatures and 'put them on display.'"

"And you fought with him? Knowing that he was dangerous?"

Danny rubbed the back of his neck habitually, "We didn't exactly have a choice."

Maddie looked thrown for a moment, like she didn't know what to say. "We need to get those injuries looked at, you just sit down and - Jack! Bring the first aid kit!" she finally said after several silent moments, twisting her neck back to shout at her husband. Jack Fenton, who had been staring wide-eyed at his son caught between shock and a trace amount of pride, suddenly jerked to life and fumbled to grab the first aid kit that had dropped to the ground during the fight.

Pushing gently on his shoulders she tried to get him to lower himself to the ground but he remained standing and stepped away from her gentle grasp. "I'm fine mom, their just grazes is all and we need to keep moving."

"Just grazes, you got shot in the chest!" she cried, pointing to the smoldering remains of his shirt.

Danny cursed silently, remembering the close range hit from Skulkers blasters. It was true that it did hurt, maybe broke a rib or two but they hadn't punctured any of his organs and it's nowhere near the worst he's ever had. They'll likely be mostly healed by the time they make it to the Far Frozen anyway.

"That ray is equipped to hurt ghosts not humans," Danny lied, "I only got knocked back by the force of the blast I'm honestly fine."

Maddie's hands grasped the torn edges of his shirt and started to pull them back, "Then you might have a broken rib, here let me-" Danny grabbed both his mother's wrists and pulled them away from his shirt, shooting her a reassuring grin.

"Really mom I'm fine, a new shirt would be nice though anyone got one?" he asked, directing the question to the people standing behind his mother.

Kwan raised his hand, "Yea I've got one."

Danny walked around his mother and made his way over to the football player, "Really? Thanks."

Kwan only nodded and pulled a simple white T-shirt from a drawstring bag that he'd been carrying. Danny recognized it as a gym shirt, thankfully clean, and accepted with another gracious thanks before moving back to the front of the group and turning away to change.

A collection of gasps rose from the crowd as what was left of his red long-sleeved shirt fluttered to the ground and he quickly pulled the fresh shirt over his head before turning to face them with a smile painted on his face and a silent prayer that none of them would ask.

"Lord of the Flies, Mr. Fenton" Lancer gasped, "where on earth did you get so many scars!?"

Danny inwardly groaned, 'Of course, of course they would ask...'

"Would you believe me if I told you that I've been ghost hunting?"

"Wait that's why you've been coming home late and not showing up for your classes?" Maddie said, almost loud enough to cover Jack's sudden exclamation of "THAT'S MY BOY!" from where he stood next to his wife. A swift elbow to the ribs made the Fenton father quiet down but he still looked mildly pleased to find out that his son was a ghost hunter.

Danny laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah...Me, Sam and Tuck have been hunting ghosts."


Dash stood at the back of the crowd, eyebrows reaching for his hairline as he stared at Danny Fenton, the wimpy little nerd that he'd wailed on for years who now seemed like a totally different person. Without his baggy long-sleeved shirt everyone could plainly see the well-toned muscles that rippled beneath his skin and the scars that crisscrossed his arms. Dash hadn't gotten a very good look at his back, Fenton had pulled Kwan's shirt on too quickly for that, but he had managed to make out long slashes and a few paint-splatter shaped marks, almost like he'd been too close to a bomb when it went off. They had all been a slightly lighter shade than his skin which was already pale.

The obvious scars and muscle clearly indicated that Fenton was no stranger to fighting and after watching him take down that mechanical ghost Dash could only wonder: 'How have I been beating him up all this time?'

Fenton had attacked that ghost without any hesitation, every one of his movements were confident and precise. He had torn the ghost's arms off for goodness sake! Jumped a good ten feet in the air to do it too. The display was almost...inhuman.

Dash had long since lost count of the amount of times he'd shoved Danny Fenton in his own locker over the past few years, pushed him around in the halls, punched him just because he could, the list goes on. The scrawny nerd that he'd always recognized as his walking stress relief punching bag suddenly seemed like a distant memory when compared to the teen standing before him. The usual quiet demeanor that defined Fenton was nearly gone, the confident kid that had just taken down a flipping ghost bare-handed and barely batted an eyelash at the blaster injury he'd received from it standing in his place.

Fenton was trying to talk his mom out of treating the blaster wound he had received and insisting that he was fine, Mr. Fenton jumped in a few times and insisted but he continued to brush them off until they finally backed down. It was then that Danny restated his directions from earlier, get a little bit farther down the path before stopping for a break, and continued walking. Dash glanced at the faces of his friends as everyone fell back into step behind their guide, catching looks of disbelief and astonishment that he was certain were mirrored in his own expression.


A/N Another one for my little souls!

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Words: 1335

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