A Field Trip to Remember pt 26

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean.

It took about a three days to get everything back in order.

The shuttles had taken minor damage from a few falling rocks, courtesy of Dan slamming Phantom into the cliffs and subsequently taking their battle inside. Frostbite and his people had made it top priority to fix them and managed it in a few brief hours before turning their full attention to the wrecked tunnels, which proved to be a much more difficult fix.

While the construction went on Danny was stuck in the medical ward with Sam and Tucker, who refused to leave his side throughout his incapacitation. Jack and Maddie would come for a visit every few hours. At first they had been adamant about not leaving him again regardless of Snowdrifts instructions, reasoning that if Sam and Tucker could stay then they, as parents, certainly should be able to. Danny eventually had to point out that there were a dozen people that needed them more than he did. Given that they are trapped in the Ghost Zone and probably both mentally and physically exhausted from the trials of the past week.

Both Fenton parents had seen the logic in his statement and agreed that they would look after everyone else as long as they could visit him regularly. Thus Danny's waking hours were spent receiving checkups from the yeti healer, joking with his friends, and talking with his parents. These conversations pretty much consisted of them asking questions about his ghostly double life and him answering to the best of his capabilities.

The ghost teen tried his best not to lie but did manage to tone down a few of his more…serious misadventures so as not to alarm them too much. It was a lot to take in all at once and he'd rather ease them into it. Both were very interested in his descriptions of the various ghosts he's met and fought, listening with rapt attention as he outlined their powers and personalities.

By the time Danny was deemed well enough to stand and make the trip back home his half ghost status had become an accepted fact between him and his parents. It was almost unnatural how quickly they had accepted the idea, though he supposed that was a benefit of having scientist parents.

Everyone else had spent those three days making their way between their sleeping quarters and the makeshift dining room that had been set up down the hall (considering that the other one was totaled), occasionally being allowed to wander with the help of a yeti guide specifically assigned to care for the human guests despite the need for hands to help fix the collateral damage. Frostbite was nothing if not hospitable and would normally have allowed them to wander freely if not for the lack of security and very real possibility of them straying into one of the construction sites.

To pass the time gossip was exchanged, most of it was speculation on how Danny had become a half ghost.

Star figured that he'd been hit by one of his parent's inventions. Paulina thought that he might've been close to death (maybe a burglar broke into his house and, like, stabbed him or something!) and gotten exposed to some ectoplasm from the lab. Cassie morbidly suggested that he'd attempted suicide by drinking some unknown chemicals in his parent's lab. Kwan had shouted out his theory about Danny being bitten by a genetically altered ghost that had escaped from a cage in his parents' lab and receiving all its ghostly abilities.

Everyone had given him a strange look for that one before Cassie had sarcastically pointed out that Danny Fenton and Peter Parker weren't the same person, making the football jock flush in embarrassment and try to hide his discomfort behind a laugh.

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