A Field Trip to Remember pt 2

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Plot minorly changed.

"So you have wished it…"

"Oh man, mom, dad, we need to-"

"…and so it shall be!"

The Speeder was suddenly flying through the air, spiraling out of control. People shrieked and screamed, grabbing onto whatever they could reach to try and keep from being thrown. Danny latched onto the back of his parent's seats and held on as they rammed into something, creating a bone jarring impact before continuing their downward descent. Something else hit the left side, making the vehicle swing right. A loud crack suddenly sounded and rushing air clawed at Danny's legs as they were hit again and everything went dark.


With a groan Danny slowly opened his eyes. It took a moment for his vision to come into focus and another for his mind to process what it was that he was seeing.

The Speeder was completely trashed.

It had been split down the middle. Shattered glass peppered the ground around the warped frame along with other debris, which consisted of several chunks of the outer shell that had been stripped from the hull and a few unidentifiable lumps of grey that had to be some of the seats.

The halfa heaved himself to his feet, hissing in pain and glancing down to see a decent sized chunk of metal lodged in his calf. Deciding to save treating the injury for later he half-jogged, half-limped over to the wreckage and peered inside.

"Anyone there?" he called out, stepping over shredded scraps of metal as he made his way toward the front.

"Over here!"

He spun around and found Valerie and Star trapped under a pair of seats. The dark haired teen rushed over to the two girls and lifted the tattered pieces of leather and metal. They both crawled out and he let it drop back down.

"Are you two okay?" he asked.

They both nodded.

"Good, we need to look for the others."

Over the next half hour they managed to find Paulina, Cassie, Kwan, Dash and Mikey. Both Fenton parents and Mr. Lancer showed up about ten minutes into the search, having been thrown from the vehicle just like Danny. Aside from Danny's leg, Mr. Lancer appeared to have a broken arm while Mikey had scraped by with a sprained ankle and a decent sized laceration running from elbow to wrist. Other than that everyone was alright.

"We need to start looking for the others," Mr. Lancer said, "I'm not going to leave my students alone in this – this…ghoulish wasteland."

"We agree Mr. Lancer," Maddie replied, "only half the Speeder is here, meaning that other half crashed somewhere else, though if it did I'm not sure how we're going to find it."

"From the direction of the crash can't you estimate where the other half might've landed?" Valarie piped up from she was resting.

"Well, that is true but without proper knowledge of how the Ghost Zone operates we won't be able to get an exact location-"

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