A Field Trip to Remember pt 5

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Plot minorly changed.

Sam and Aless had succeeded in patching up Nathan and Rory. Kate had managed to scavenge two smooth pieces of metal to use as a splint for Nathans hand while the sports tape Rory had been carrying held it together. Aless tore a piece from her shirt and instructed Rory to hold the water bottle to his head along with the cloth to try and lower the swelling. It's far from perfect but the best that they can do with the resources they have.

"Why are you carrying sports tape anyway?" Aless asked, eyeing the roll as Rory stuffed it back into his pocket.

He smiled in response, flashing rows of perfect white teeth and cutting a dimple in his cheek, "I got used to carrying it around when I was in Track and the habit hasn't left yet."

Aless raised a brow at that but looked mildly interested, which was a step up from her usually unemotional expression. "Well it's a handy thing to have at least, might not want to get rid of that habit once this is all over could save someone's life one day."

Rory was still smiling, surprisingly undisturbed by the morbid way she'd said that. "After all this I'm thinking you might be right."

Nathan stepped up from where he had been sitting a few feet away, still looking shell-shocked from the crash. "T-thank you for this," he held up his bandaged hand and both teens had to repress a grimace at the sight of purpling skin under the haphazard first aid.

Rory's grin brightened again when he returned his attention to Nathan's face but anyone paying close attention could see that it was forced. "No problem man I'm glad to help."

Trev snorted from where he was slouching across from them. He'd been brooding since Sam had told him off an hour ago, giving everyone the cold shoulder. The childish behavior had made the Goth roll her eyes in mild exasperation. Given that he is one of the few uninjured members of their motley crew he could have at least tried to do something productive.

"Of course you would be glad to help. Showing off for the chicks I bet, nobody smiles as much as you in a crap situation like this without having a serious mental issue."

"Better than the guy sitting there and doing nothing," Aless shot back, scowling at the disgruntled jock.

"Says the witch carrying potions around in her bag. Thought that playing pretend went out of style back in elementary school?" Trev sneered.

"At least I'm doing something. What's the matter big strong jock? Is all that muscle too heavy to enable you to get off your lazy butt and help or are you too busy pouting like a five year old to even consider something so beneath you?"

Nathan stared disbelievingly at the goading smirk that had taken over Aless's face (the first real change of expression many of them had ever seen in her) while Rory outright laughed, clutching his head in pain a moment later and forcing himself to suppress his mirth. Trev's face had quickly gone from disgruntled to downright angry. His cheeks burnt crimson; whether it was from embarrassment or anger nobody could really tell, and he opened his mouth to shoot back a reply when Sam's voice suddenly cut through the building argument.

"Almost done Tucker?" Sam asked.

Tucker nodded, "I'm about to start em' up, everyone had better hold onto something."

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