A Field Trio to Remember pt 9

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean. Plot minorly changed.

Danny had woken up strapped to a table with glowing green restraints around his wrists and ankles. He could feel the strange vibration of energy flowing through them and had tried using his humanity to phase through the bonds only to receive a sudden shock. A scream started to tear through his throat but he stopped it short, forcing his body to relax and feeling slightly relieved when the electronic charge died down.

"Good try punk," the half-ghost glanced to his left to see Walker appear, "but those restraints are charged with live ecto-electricity, I wouldn't recommend trying to break them as either a human or ghost."

A guard appeared beside Walker and left the metal table he'd been wheeling beside the warden, who didn't even acknowledge him as he quickly saluted and flew back out the door. Danny narrowed his eyes at the specter as he walked calmly over to the table and plucked a scalpel from its metallic surface, making a show of running his gloved hand over the blade before holding it directly in front of the halfa's pupil, so close that it could have sliced off an eyelash if Danny had blinked.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush ghost boy; I owe you for releasing all my prisoners. While it was satisfying to make your hometown your own prison it never did replace the pleasure of making you pay personally."

With a cruel smirk, Walker suddenly whipped the blade toward his exposed arm, cutting a shallow wound into the exposed flesh. Danny didn't even flinch, he'd had worse and Walker looked a bit angry that his intimidation tactic hadn't worked. The half-ghost smirked mockingly at the warden and received a hard backhand to the face in return, making his head snap to the side and the restraints crackle at the movement.

Walker chuckled, "Did I forget to mention that any movement on your part sets these babies off?"

"Might've left that part out…" Danny muttered as he turned to face the warden, a noticeable line of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

A fist to his gut made the halfa winch and twitch his arms in an instinctual need to defend himself, which only set off the electricity in the restraints. After several minutes of merely smacking the ghost boy senseless Walker took a step back and cranked up the restraints, making electricity crackle through them without him moving. Danny gritted his teeth to silence the cry that built up in his throat as his body recoiled from the energy pumping through his veins. Walker watched with a satisfied smirk on his face as the halfa convulsed and thrashed, feeling rather accomplished at getting true physical revenge on his worst prisoner.

Danny's eyes suddenly snapped open, burning a bright green as a blue ring appeared around his waist and split into two halves that traveled in opposing directions up and down the teenager's body. Blue jeans, tennis shoes and white T-shirt changed into a white and black jumpsuit while his black hair became a startling white.

Both his gloved hands lit up green and he screamed as they flared, breaking the restraints around his wrists. Turning his attention to Walker the halfa teen angled his palms toward him and let loose another energy beam, which hit the specter in the center of the chest and sent him flying back into the wall.

A guard burst through the door and the warden started shouting for him to shoot while Phantom took out the restraints on his ankles and stumbled away from the vertical table, grabbing the rolling table for balance as the guard took aim. The ghost boy fired another energy blast, which knocked the guard back into Walker. The warden had been in the process of getting up when the guard hit him and ended up flat on his back with the guard on top of him.

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