A Field Trip to Remember pt 13

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"So Phantom how old are you?"

The ghost teen nearly tripped on an invisible stone at the sudden question and turned to face Cassie who was staring at her nails in an attempt to look casual, which would have worked better if he couldn't see the keen interest reflected in her gray-blue orbs.

Phantom sighed and turned back to face the front, debating whether or not he should answer the question. "…Seventeen" he finally said, figuring that there was no harm.

"Really?" the popular replied, sounding a bit surprised, "I heard a few people say that you looked fifteen when they saw you a year or two ago, do ghosts age?"

"Some more powerful ghosts have the ability to alter their age," Maddie answered, eyes trained on Phantom as she spoke, "It depends on how long the ghost has been dead and what type of spirit they are."

Cassie hummed in response and they lapsed back into silence.

"So how long have you been dead?"

This time Phantom wasn't as startled by the question and made a point of not answering. The last thing that he needed was an interrogation that would inevitably lead to the discovery of his secret.

"Did you have a girlfriend when you died?" The question was ignored once again and Cassie huffed indignantly, angry that he wasn't answering any of her inquiries.

The other members of the group eyed the white haired teen curiously, their interest piqued by Cassie's questions and Phantoms refusal to answer them. It was common knowledge that the ghost boy saved their town on a regular basis before disappearing right after the fight finished. He always managed to evade any fans or news people that tried to interview him after the fact and hardly anything was known about him outside a battle setting.

Now that they all got a closer look at him they realized that he did indeed look to be around seventeen with a fairly impressive built that was in no way hidden by his skintight hazmat suit. Messy white hair sat in an unbrushed heap atop his head and made him seem – to the girls at least – all the more ruggedly handsome and attractive. That unusual hair framed his tanned face and accentuated his otherworldly green eyes. Just as with all ghosts there was a strange glow that surrounded him, making his appearance seem a bit hazier then it would with a normal human, but unlike all other ghosts the light that surrounded him seemed more…gentle, less hostile perhaps.

They were all dying to ask a few questions themselves. Nobody could deny the obvious mystery that surrounded the boy and the desire to know more about him was almost impossible to ignore. But before any of them could build up enough courage to ask Phantom stiffened, stopping in the middle of the path and throwing an arm out to make them all stop as well.

Green eyes flicked back and forth nervously for a few moments before he whirled around and shot an ecto-blast directly over their heads. They all ducked instinctively as it flew over them and flinched when they heard a loud screech. Turning they all noticed a pair of ectopus's floating several feet above them, one still reeling from the hit that it had taken while the other charged.

Phantom shot off from the ground and grabbed one of its tentacles, whipping it into the other and sending them both spiraling backwards. They recovered only to find the ghost boy mere inches in front of them, his hand charged with ecto-energy and ready to fire.

"Not in the mood today guys, I would recommend walking away now before I decide to get really rough," the energy still gathered in his palm flared to accentuate the threat and the two ectopus's briefly made eye contact before turning and flying off into the swirling green sky.

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