How to (Not) Reveal your Secret Identity

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A/N Written by @Red'Allen'Walker.

It was as normal as a normal day in Amity Park can be. It was a Tuesday, the sun is shining, the ghost birds are shrieking (they're realtively harmless so who gives a damn), the school bells are ringing, business in town is doing as great as it will be ever be, and the school bells are ringing. Did I mention the school bells are ringing? Because the school bells are ringing.

But no one ever listens to that thing anymore.


Because it's Tuesday.

"Hurry Danny! We're going to be late!"

"You. Think. I'm. Not. Hurrying? I- OOF!"

And also Danny Fenton who'd just made a loud crashing noise as he managed to 'trip' himself over thin air.

Danny knew it wasn't going to be a good day. He freaking knew it. And the day did not disappoint in being horrible.

Everyone snickered. Especially the A-listers. Especially Dash.

"You should've worn shorter pants Fenturd!"

Danny rubbed his sore forehead and frowned. "Yeah thanks Dash. I'll be sure to keep that in mind." He turned his attention to his friends.

"Wow, seriously?" Sam and Tucker stopped giggling.

"Sorry Danny," Sam smirked, "it's not our fault you have wardrobe malfunctions." She pointed at the pant's hem, which were touching the floor. "Also your shoelaces are weird."

"Yeah!" Tucker butted in. "We did tell you that they were a little too long."

Danny pouted at Tucker, still rubbing his forehead.

"Ah dang, I doesn't feel like I tripped. I feel like I got hit by a truck. Also Tuck, it's not my fault they always buy me the same get up. I don't think they realize it. Seriously! I have like, 20 pairs of these pants."

"Don't overexaggerate Danny." Tucker inputed.

"He isn't. Trust me Tuck, I've seen it."

"Should I be worried about why you know how much stuff is in my closet?"

Sam smirked. and continued walking forward, Tucker trailing after her, not before whispering a 'I think you should'. Danny shrugged it off and continued on his path. He has 5 minutes before Mr. Lancer's 'forgivable range". Not that Dash and the others were also in a hurry.



Everyone jerked their heads back to the source of the sound. Danny Fenton was thrown THREE FEET back from the sidewalk and was now currently sporting a headache. Is that... smoke?!

He winced.

"What in the actual heck?" Danny groaned, his face twisting into terrible confusion. He glanced at his surroundings. Oh great, everyone was watching. Dash was laughing his butt off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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