A Field Trip to Remember pt 24

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A/N Written by @TheCastorBean.

For Dash time seemed to stop when the yeti stood with Danny Fenton in his arms. The quarterback, along with everyone else, had been fully expecting to see a head of white hair and the tanned face of their town hero. It took a minute for his mind to fully process the new information. Somewhere deep down he realized that it made a lot of sense, the way that Fenton had acted when they'd first crashed, his strange tolerance for pain, attacking the ghosts without a hint of fear or hesitation, the athletic prowess, all the scars. Even the name: Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom.

If this new revelation hadn't sent his mind on an all-expense paid trip to nowhere the jock might've slapped himself for his stupidity.

They looked alike.

Same first name.

Never in the same place at the same time.

'How has nobody ever noticed?' he wondered, vaguely aware of the yeti carrying Danny from the room. Blood speckled the floor beneath the furry creature's steps and a chill went down the quarterback's spine. Once the injured teen was out of the room along with his Goth girlfriend all eyes turned to the snow beast and the only remaining person with any answers – Fenton's best friend Tucker Foley.

The techno geek seemed to know exactly what they wanted as he turned to address them almost before they started moving toward him.

Tucker's usual playful smile and witty quips were gone, replaced with a stoic and almost resigned look that nobody would have associated with the mouthy nerd a few days ago.

Dash's mind swirled with questions and the urge to bombard the nerd with them was almost overwhelming but Maddie beat him to the punch when she asked for confirmation, to which Tucker nodded and stated that Danny Fenton and Phantom were in fact the same person.

Nobody could really wrap their minds around it fully until Tucker verbalized it, making a strange tension grip them all. A few people gasped quietly while others just got wide-eyed. Dash was one of the latter, standing like a deer in the headlights as Maddie asked the million dollar question: How?


Mr. Lancer considered himself an accomplished educator. He always tried his best to be understanding and help his students whenever possible, but in the last few minutes it seemed like everything he'd always thought about his methods and abilities was in question.

How had one of his students died right under his nose?

How hadn't he noticed that one of his students was a ghost?

'Well this explains the periodic absences, injuries, and numerous bathroom breaks,' he thought wryly, 'how didn't I notice?'

How didn't anyone notice for that matter? Now that he thought about it they were so alike, same face and voice (minus the strange echo present in Phantom's tone), same first name.
He tried to think of more but nothing came. 

'They have different hair and eye color, Phantom is tanner, and they act differently…'

The differences were also numerous.

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