Santa Monica

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I made it to the hospital and checked (F/n) out of her room. I was given her prescriptions by the woman at the front desk and was explained how to care for her. Afterwards her relatives walked over to me and told me they had already bought a house for me and (F/n) to stay in. It was about a block away from the scientific hospital she was assigned to, that way if there were any emergency there would be a quicker way to get there. I thanked them repetitively and told them I would repay them somehow. But of course they replied with "taking care of (F/n) is payment enough".

(F/n) would be stuck to a wheel chair until she recovers. The chemicals in her body made the nerves in her systems numb and her muscles weaken, so she couldn't walk properly until she was treated. She was in great condition though; still laughing and talking like her usual self. So I was given a handicap license for the time being.

After packing (F/n)'s stuff in my trunk and helping her into the car, we set off to the airport for Santa Monica.

"So, did you do it?"

I glanced at her in the passenger's seat. "What do you mean?"

"Did you kiss him?"

I flushed and my heart started quickening. "Um...k-kinda..."

"How do you 'kinda' kiss someone?" She rolled her eyes and sighed. "What did you do now?"

"I...well I kissed him on the cheek and..." I bit my lip. "Um...c-called him love?"

I glanced again at her to see her deadpanning at me. "Hey! It's not easy confessing to your celebrity crush! Not after you've known him for months and have grown super close! It's like saying 'I love you' to your childhood best friend!" I argued. "Besides...he was crying..."

"What?" Our of the corner of her eye I saw her looking at me in concern. "Talk to me."

"I was saying my goodbyes to the guys and he was the last one to approach me." I explained, desperately trying to keep my eyes on the road whilst also keeping my heart rate under control. "He was crying and said he was going to miss me...and then I promised him I would see him again."

"What?! You made a promise?!" She screeched and I winced. Her voice softened and she spoke in concern. "(Y/n)...are you okay?"

I started to tear up. "I-I don't know...he looked awful and I just...(F/n), he asked me to promise him. And in his state there was no way I could say no. And if anything I didn't want to say no. I wanted to see him again. Don't ask me how, but I made a promise and you bet your ass I'm keeping it."

I managed to hold back my tears at the end of the last sentence, but I opted to digging my nails into the steering wheel in order to calm myself. (F/n) looked at me a moment longer before sighing and turning her attention back to the road in front of us. "Fine, but as long as I get to see you two kiss and get together then I'm all for it."

The majority of the ride was silent with the occasional songs from the radio playing in the background. And then of course (F/n) had the bright idea to play some Set it Off instead. I smiled and sang along to all lyrics, including the songs I played in. This girl knows how to cheer someone up.

We made it to the long process of getting into the airport and on the plane. As soon as we sat down though, we sighed in relief and fist bumped happily.

"God finally I can sleep." I sighed, leaning my head against the head rest as (F/n) laughed.

"Probably not for long. I slept a lot in the hospital and I'm ready to do something!" She beamed.

I looked over to her with a frown. "We're literally sitting on a plane for four and a half hours. What are you supposed to do for four hours of sitting?"

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