Talk Dirty To Me

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Cody decided to make another one of his amazing covers. (This is my personal fav btw) Today he decided to do a cover of...

Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo.

Oh god please come save me. The man was already hot enough and now he had to do a cover of this song?! Well let's see how this goes...

Turns out Cody wanted me to play alto parts, which I wasn't that shocked. I mean there weren't any low instrument parts in the song so I can see why he would want me to play the tiny saxophone.

After recording the actual music together, we started to record the video. Austin was in charge of lighting, Dan was in charge of background, Maxx was supposed to help Zach with recording, but he just decided to slack off. Zach was obviously in charge of recording, which left me to co-direct everything. I have no idea why Cody chose me to direct everything but whatever.

Anyways, so my job was to make sure all camera angles were in the right spot, lighting was on point, and background was still together; and if none of that happened I got to yell at the guys. Which honestly, that was my favorite part. I mean come on, who wouldn't want to yell at people for not doing their job right? Agh, I'm sidetracking again.

"Cody-Ugh....can you sit still for one second?" I groaned.

"Well what do you expect me to do, never move?!" He laughed.

"You messed up the seat again!" I sighed. "Up, let me fix it."

He chuckled and shook his head, getting up.

"Hold this." I said, giving him my clipboard with all of the scenes on it.

I bent down and fixed the sheets on the seat. I stood back up again and smoothed out my outfit, then motioning for Cody to give me back my clipboard. He gave it back with a snort and I mentally prepared myself for anything stupid on my papers.

I looked down at the clipboard and saw a doodle of a face...

"Okay, if you boys won't behave we aren't making this video!" I said, on the verge of snapping the clipboard in half.

"Fine mom." Zach laughed.

As I walked past him I smacked his side with the board.


I smirked and continued to yell at people.

What was uncomfortable about the situation was whenever Cody had a break between scenes or we had to redo something, he would always send...flirtatious things my way.

Sometimes he would wink, sometimes he would bite his lip and wink at me, or he would blow a kiss when the guys weren't looking. But it even happened while we were recording! He would look at me while singing some of the parts of the song, and I would almost faint. For example he looked directly at me while patting his lap and singing

"Front row seat on my lap girl~"

And then he bit his lip afterwards! I was pretty sure I wasn't even blushing red, but some violent shade of purple. Another thing was he looked at me and sang

everyday I'm tryin to get to it,
Got her save in my phone under big booty"

I looked at the floor and blushed again as the others smirked and Zach kept recording.

But the thing that was most often, he would look at me and sing the main part of the song

"Talk dirty to me~"

Of course we would have to keep recording the same thing over and over again because he would look at me and not the camera for each part, and I wasn't sure if he was just teasing or he actually meant it.

Cody winked at me for the 100th time that day and I blushed. Dan nudged me and I looked up at him. He was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully.

"Ow! (Y/n)!" He whined.

I smiled and felt someone tap my shoulder. I spun around and saw Cody smiling down at me.

"Is it drone time?" He bounced happily.

I sighed with a smile, checking my clipboard. "Yes, it's drone time."

"Yay!" He squealed, running off to find Austin's drone (idk who's drone it was but we'll just say it's Austin's).

"Ey! Get back here!" Austin yelled, running after Cody.

"So~" I could hear the cheeky smirk in Maxx's voice.

"You two got any plans tonight~?" Dan teased.

I groaned and buried my flushed face in my hands for the millionth time today.

"Oh my god shut up!" I groaned through my hands, causing them to laugh and high-five.

"I got it I got it! I got the drone!" I heard Cody shout.

I looked up to see him waving the drone in the air with the brightest and most innocent smile I've ever seen. He looked like a little kid! I had to contain myself from fangirling right then and there because LORD DID HE LOOK ADORABLE.

After staring and blushing for a bit I shook my head and giggled. I turned back to Dan and pointed at one of the white sheets he hung up for the background.

"Dan, grab one of the sheets and fold it up to go with us. Maxx, since you haven't been doing anything you're going to-"

"Fly the drone?!" He said happily.

"It's Austin's drone, he'll fly it." I smirked.

He huffed and plopped back down in his seat.

"Now, as I was saying. Maxx, you're going to put the camera away, along with the tripod. Zach, help Dan fold the sheets. I'm going to help Cody find the remote to the drone and afterwards you're going to set up the camera on that thing, Austin." I ordered. "Alright, everyone know what they're supposed to do?"

Everyone nodded and with  that, we set to work. After finding the remote with Cody, which didn't take long, I watched Austin get the camera on the drone set up. Once he was done Maxx, Zach and Dan walked over.

We all drove to the grass clearing we were going to use for near the end. Cody held up the sheet around him and looked at the drone hovering in front of him. After looking at the camera with duck lips, he let go of the sheet and the drone flew up to capture the surroundings. I smiled, knowing it was going to be good. We already filmed the other parts at the house, so this was the final step. The drone came back down after filming and landed in front of Austin.

"Alright. We're done!" I beamed.

Everyone cheered and high-fived each other.

"Come on! Our drinks await!" Zach shouted.

Everyone ran back to the van and buckled in quickly. Zach drove us back home while we joked and messed around. Then we parked in the driveway and ran inside to grab our well deserved drinks. We clinked glasses, some with beer some, with water,  and some with soda, and cheered.

The guys would still tease me about Cody when he wasn't looking, but other than that I'd say my first day directing a music video was successful.

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