Staying Until It's Safe

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I looked over to (F/n)'s Aunt. "Say, can I borrow your phone quickly? I left mine back at a friend of mine's and I'm hoping he can drive here to give it back."

"Of course dear." She smiled and handed me her phone after opening up her dial pad.

I began to punch in Cody's number and held the phone up to my ear.





At the fourth ring I started growing anxious.

Come on Cody, pick up-


"Cody!" I beamed.

"Who is this?"

"It's (Y/n)." I smiled.

"Oh, (Y/n)! You left your phone here, is that why you're calling?"

"Yeah, I'm in the hospital right now." I replied.

"Hospital?! Why the hospital?! Did something happen? Are you okay? Do you want me to-?"

"Cody, Cody, it's okay." I laughed. "I'm perfectly fine. I'm here visiting for a friend. Do you think you could maybe drive here and drop off the phone? I have a bunch of information in there and it can't wait until morning." I bit my lip and tapped my foot anxiously. I seriously needed that information to give to the nurses, otherwise we can't go through the operation.

"Of course! Yeah. I'm on my way now."

I smiled. "Thank you so much Cody! You're really-"


I sighed. "That was Dan, wasn't it?"

"Yeah..." He groaned. "Ey, I'm on the phone, can you shut up for five-OW!"

"Cody?!" I asked frantically. "Are you okay?!"

"Y-Yeah...just...Zach tripped me and Maxx just smeared whip cream all over my face..."

I snorted and was about to say something when I heard Zach from the other line.


I burst out laughing and I had to desperately try to calm down, grasping my stomach tightly as (F/n)'s Aunt And Uncle looked at me like I was insane. "Oh my *gasp* oh my god, please tell Zach he's one of the best people on the planet."



I wheezed, trying to hold in my laughs and ending up sounding like a dying pig in the process. "Oh dear god just shut up and get your ass over here with my phone before I wake up any more patients from laughing to hard at your stupidity."

"Yeah fine whatever..." Cody grumbled.

"Daw, I'll see you soon gwumpy baby~" I cooed.

"Whatevew cwazy chic!" Cody shouted.

"Wha- Hey! Aaaand he ended the call. Nice." I stared at the phone, unimpressed. "Welp, here ya go, thanks for letting me borrow your phone."

"...who have you been interacting with for you to start calling people 'gwumpy babies'?" (F/n) smirked.

"You really don't wanna know." I replied, shaking my head as the rest of them laughed.

~A short while of waiting later~

As I was quietly talking to (F/n)'s relatives, the door creaked open. I looked up, seeing Cody smiling nervously in the doorway.

"Hey (Y/n)." He shuffled his feet awkwardly.

I giggled. "Get in here, dork."

He beamed and walked in, standing in front of me with one arm behind his back.

I raised a brow and smirked. "Cody? Where's my phone?"

"Oh, you know..." He grinned.

He suddenly pulled out a Starbucks drink with my phone stuck to it in a ribbon.

"Right here."

I laughed. "What even- why?"

I took the drink and unwrapped the phone from the ribbon. Taking a sip, I smiled lightly. "(F/Sd), thank you."

"No problem." Cody chuckled. "Can I...stay here, for a bit? The guys are playing their Mario Kart game again and I just lost a pillow fight, I can't go back after being humiliated like that."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Whatever sprinkles your donut."

He laughed, sitting next to me.

"Is this seriously what took you so long?" I asked him.

"Uh, no." He grinned. "What took me so long was making the drink."

I raised a brow, unimpressed. "You made the drink?" I retaliated.

"Yeah?" He said. "First was milling, then mashing-"

I joined him, whisper shouting with smiles on our faces. "Straining, Brew kettle, primary fermentation, beechwood lagering and finishing the beeeeer!"

We ended with soft chuckles. After regaining composure I looked back up at (F/n) to see her smirking.

"What?" I asked, smiling lightly.

"You two are in love and you know it." She said, causing her Aunt and Uncle to laugh as Cody and I looked away from each other, faces flushed.

The night continued until visiting hours were closed. Cody and I had to leave since we weren't family to (F/n), and I sent her relatives the information for the overnight operation.

"Remember to stay strong for me, alright?" I smiled softly, standing up but holding (F/n)'s hand.

She nodded sadly, a tear escaping her eye. "I will..."

I wiped the tear from her eye and smiled. "Don't worry, (F/n). You'll make it, I know you will. Just stay strong for me, your family members, and your friends. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Her grip on my hand tightened. "D-don't go...please...I need you here..."

My smile fell sadly and I looked over at Cody. My eyes were tearing up, and judging by his expression it looked like he knew what I was going through.

"...Follow me..." He mumbled.

"What?" I whispered through a shaking voice. "Cody, I can't, I-"

He grasped my other arm, and his eyes held those of sorrow and meaning. "I'm going to see if I can get you to stay. Come with me to the front desk."

I looked back at (F/n). "I'll be right back. I promise you."

"(Y/n), please-" She looked at me desperately.

"I'm not leaving this hospital until you're okay." I said softly. "I need to go, but I'll be back before you know it."

She stared at me for a moment as her eyes started tearing up. She nodded slowly, letting her grip loosen against me. "O-okay....okay...."

I gave her one last longing look before turning back to Cody. I nodded firmly, and he returned it. Grasping my hand and opening the door, we ran down to the front desk hand in hand.

"I'm going to save you, (F/n). No matter the cost."

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