I grabbed the vodka bottle pouring it in to my cup not even worrying about adding the lemonade this time.

"Well if it isn't Emily Rose" I heard a voice from behind me. I spun around coming face to face with James.

"Something you need?" I asked raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Yeah a drink and then a dance with you" he said with a smirk reaching behind me to grab the tequila bottle, taking a swig straight from the bottle.

"You down?" He asked.

Memories began to retrace themselves back from last night;

"Did you kiss her?" I asked straight forward staring at him with glossy eyes.

"W-What?" He asked.

"Fuck it" I blurted out grabbing his hand as he led me to the dance floor.

If he could kiss other girls I could dance with other guys.

We began to dance, my hips easily moving to the beat now with the more alcohol I had.

I looked over towards Rhylee and Carly who were talking to a group of guys. Carly looking over at me with a confused look making me look away straight away.

I continued to sip on my drink until it was gone again. James had placed his hands on my hips as we danced, getting extremely close to one another.

He leaned forward to whisper in my ear; "did you want another drink?" He asked making me nod my head frantically.

"Vodka?" He asked making me smile.

Maybe he wasn't as bad as Shawn made him out to be.

I began to dance by myself when I felt a presence behind me making me spin around.

I smiled once I saw James standing there with my vodka drink.

He handed to me making me throw it to the back of my throat drinking it all in one gulp. I threw the cup into the crowd well knowing I was drunk now.

James smiled pulling me to him by my hips as we began to dance with one another. The best vibrated off the walls making my ear drums shake.

"Fuck it's hot" I swore beginning to fan myself feeling like the heater had just cranked up in my body.

"Let's go get you some air" he said looking at me with concern. I turned to tell Rhylee and Carly but they were no longer in the spot they were at before. I shrugged as we stumbled outside the back door into the backyard area.

"Come sit" he said patting a spot beside him on the bench. I plopped beside him as I felt like the world was swaying side to side.

Fuck. I swear I didn't drink that much.

I opened my eyes only for them to involuntarily roll back to the back of my head. The world felt like it was spinning as I gripped onto James shoulder.

"What the fuck?" I slurred trying to look at James for help who was only sat there with a smile.

"I don't feel so good" I slurred out beginning to stand up only to be pushed back down by James, a pair of lips pressing against mine.

I pushed him off me straight away.

"Stop" I whispered feeling to dizzy to speak. He grabbed the back of my head forcing it forward so his lips were against mine.

"James Stop!" I yelled getting the energy to lift my knee up to hurt him where it hurts. He groaned both his hands leaving mine to grab his most precious area.

I quickly got up and stumbled back inside the house. My head rolled to one side and I was beginning to think that James hadn't given me vodka.

"Emily! Em!" I heard Carly's voice as I began to collapse. "Hey! Hey... how much did you drink!" She shouted over the music as she held me up.

I groaned as she began to lift me up the stairs.

My eyes continued to roll to the back of my head as the world continued to spin and I felt like I couldn't walk or speak anymore.

"What's going on with you?" She asked in concern as she stared at me with worry and fear.

She pushed open a door to reveal a couple making out in a bathroom.

"Get out" She spat making them rush out before she rushed me in and placed me in front of the toilet.

"What did you drink Emily?" She asked looking at me with concern.

"James... vodka" was all I could get out. It felt like my brain was moosh and I couldn't remember anything. I could just push my head in front of the toilet before vomiting up the alcohol I had and whatever James had slipped into my drink.

"Fuck. I'm calling Shawn" was all I heard before I completely blacked out.


A/N: Honestly might fucking update again cos I'm so into this shit right now hahaha

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