"Rachel," Amnabeth said firmly. "I haven't known you for quite a long time but I know it when you lie and when you hide things. You're not telling us the truth. What happened?"

Piper nodded as she placed her hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "You can trust us and you can tell us! We are your friends after all."

I shook my head. "Not now. I..I need some time alone. And if you could give me that, I'd be really grateful to you all."

Annabeth opened her mouth to protest but decided against it and gave me a subtle nod and a small smile. "You can take your time. But remember, we won't tell anyone and we won't judge you for what you did. You can trust us, like Piper said." She gave me a half hug as best as she could. "Take some rest, and we'll come to meet you during lunch break."

I smiled. "Thanks," I said and they walked out of the room, leaving me in the silent room.

About ten minutes later, the doctor came in. She had dark and wavy hair that always seemed to be flowing around, beautiful and big brown eyes, and a somewhat petit figure. She had a classic, white doctor coat on and she gave me an infectious smile, which I gave back to her.

"Rachel, right?" She asked to which I nodded. "How are you doing, sweetheart? As you probably know, you fainted in the hallway and we brought you over here. You've hurt your head a bit, but don't worry, after some rest and medicines, you'll be as good as ever!"

I smiled. She had the warmth and personality of a mother. No wonder she was a doctor. "Thanks, doctor."

"I'm Mellie and I prefer you to call me that instead of 'doctor'," she said, smiling again. "We've informed your parents, Mr and Mrs Dare, about your...little incident, they'll be here to see you soon, I suppose..?"

I pouted. "I'm pretty sure they won't, Mellie. They don't care about me..." I muttered, under my breath. But I think she heard it for she had a sympathetic look in her face. Thankfully, she didn't question me anymore and I was grateful for that. Besides, Mellie sounded familiar, I know I've seen her somewhere. Then it hit me. "Mellie Hedge? Aren't you Coach Hedge's wife?" I asked.

Mellie laughed. "That's me alright!"

Then, I noticed her stomach. "You're...pregnant?"

Mellie had a fond look in her eyes. "Yes, I am."

"Then..why can't you take a leave? Doesn't this job make you work? It's probably not good for you and the baby..."

Mellie smiled once more. "It's not that bad. And besides, what's wrong in doing the job I love? I love treating people and taking care of them, healing them. And I'm sure the baby likes moving a bit too."

"Well, you have to promise me one thing. You better bring your baby when he's born so we can see him!" I demanded, grinning a bit.

"Of course, Rachel. But, you know what? You should take your own advice. You should take some rest. You've been hit on your head, and you need to take lots of naps. Maybe, I'll let your friends visit in later," she said, and started to go but I stopped her.

"Wait! How long do I need to stay here?"

"Don't worry, you don't need to be admitted in the hospital or anything! It'll heal fast so only till the seventh period or so," Mellie replied.

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