"Oh, Ethan. Have you forgotten? I'm a princess! I get whatever I want, whenever I want. I have a perfect life. I'm spoiled rotten by my rich father. I've never felt neglect...what else? Did I forget anything?" I chuckled at his pained facial expression.


"Oh no!" I cut him off immediately, tying my robe tightly as I made my way over to him."You're not sorry. You're ashamed of your behavior. You're embarrassed because you've hurt your reputation" I stabbed my finger into his chest with every accusation. "You want to clear your name! That's why you started playing 'hero' as soon as you realized what's actually going on. You're nothing but a phony!" I screamed in his face.

His eyes turned to slits, just like they did when he spotted me from outside.

"If you think that, I feel sorry for you. I truly...feel sorry for you" He shook his head, clenching his jaw. Silence filled the room and I looked away. With that, he exited the room and left me standing by the door completely speechless.

Good fucking morning, Melanie.


"Drinking on the job again?" Megan asked, tying her apron around her waist and tying her hair up in two quick motions.

"What can I say, life's a dream!" I lifted a glass and smiled at her, ignoring the faint buzz in my head from the previous glass I downed.

"What can I say, life's a dream!" I lifted a glass and smiled at her, ignoring the faint buzz in my head from the previous glass I downed

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"Mel, I'm getting worried" She took the bottle from my hands but allowed me to keep the glass.

"What is there to worry about? I'm not an alcoholic" I laughed at the thought. Maybe then my mother will accept me as her daughter.

"I know. It's just...you seem distant, distracted, anxious. Something's going on and you're not telling me" She shook her head at the thought, a frown creeping up onto her face. I stared at her, thinking of something to say. No, I can't tell her the truth. Enough people knew already. I don't need another pair of eyes on my back. 

Megan already knows about the abuse and she knows all about my mom and dad. She knows enough as it is. I don't need to tell her anything else. Besides, if she found out I'm sleeping in a trashy motel, she'd have a heart attack.

"Earth to Melanie" She waved a hand towel in front of my face, bringing me back to the conversation.

I slapped her butt with another towel and chuckled."I'm good, just tired" I smiled.

"Okay, if you say so" She sighed, muttering something about Nick being an asshole as she took a box of beer to the storage. I continued wiping glasses as I took sips of the cold, bitter whiskey. She's not wrong, you know. He is an asshole. But if staying under the public radar means keeping him out of jail, I'm all for it.


I looked up into the very same green eyes I saw at 4 am in my motel room. "On the rocks?" I asked, casually.

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